Survey Tutorial

Pick the Right Respondents for your Survey with JAKPAT

When running a survey, after you formulate the perfect set of questions the next important thing is to decide who will be your respondents.

Who are the perfect respondents? True, you will have to find those who are willing enough to answer your questions. But is it enough? Not really, in fact, not at all. The fact is you need someone who is not only willing to answer your questions, but also those who will give you the right insight you need.

Let’s say you’re about to launch a new girly cosmetic product, yet the ones willing to do your survey are older men. Will their voice matters? Will they be knowledgeable enough to answer your questions about the cosmetic formula or desired packaging? Not necessarily.

That is why you have to target the right people to help you answer your questions. Which, fortunately, is made easy when you create a survey using JAKPAT.

First and foremost, you won’t have to search high and low for people who are willing to answer your survey, JAKPAT got it all covered with its more than 40k respondents from all over Indonesia, coming from all age range and backgrounds.

Now, what you have to do is picking who will be suitable enough for your survey from JAKPAT respondents. You can search from their basic profile such as age and city, to something even as specific as Hijabers, online shoppers, gamers, Moms with kids, etc.

But what if you cannot find the specific profile you’re looking for? No worries, you can always do a screening test. In which you’re asking the respondents whether or not they are the target you’re looking for (do they wear a certain make up brand? Are they mother with 8 year old kids? etc).

Now that you know how easy it is to pick the perfect respondents with JAKPAT, you may want to start creating your survey right now, right?

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Survey Tutorial


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