
88% of Gen Z and Millennials Are Interested in Self-Development Activities

88% of Gen Z and Millennials Are Interested in Self-Development Activities

The productive age generation, especially Gen Z and Millennials, realize self-development activities are important. This is an effort made to improve the quality of self, personally and professionally. Self-development activities, which include hard skills and soft skills, can be done independently or with the help of others. Some examples are maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking courses, and working part-time.

Jakpat conducted a survey to find out the interest in self-development in Gen Z and Millennials. The report, which involved 1549 respondents, shows their interests, goals, and efforts to develop themselves.

Most respondents admitted to being interested in self-development, with 55% planning to do self-development activities and 32% currently doing so. The remaining 13% are not interested in this topic. Three out of 5 people stated that they are interested in doing self-development activities because they want to increase their insight and knowledge. Another most common reason is to improve quality of life and skills, especially for Millennials. Meanwhile, more than half of Gen Z do it to learn new things and boost their self-confidence.

“Gen Z is more active in self-development activities than Millennials, indicating that they are more open to exploring courses to broaden their horizons, improve skills, and build confidence. Meanwhile, Millennials are more focused on improving the quality of life and professional development, even though they face challenges in managing their time,” said Jakpat Lead Researcher, Farida Hasna.

Jakpat’s research found that as many as 61% of respondents increased worship as an effort to develop themselves. Other activities carried out are practicing gratitude (56%), trying to live a neat and orderly life (51%), and taking courses (41%). Half of the men exercised regularly, while 2 out of 5 women worked part-time as a form of self-development.

Courses as a self-development effort

As many as 45% of Gen Z and 37% of Millennials are interested in taking courses that support self-development activities. Lesson courses such as foreign languages, computers, or design were of interest to 90% of respondents. Meanwhile, 70% are interested in skills courses such as cooking, photography, and writing. Almost 50% of respondents stated they are interested in public speaking courses.

Foreign language courses are the most popular among respondents, with a percentage of 50%. As many as 56% of Millennials are interested in digital marketing courses, and 54% of Gen Z are interested in public speaking courses.

“The interest in self-development courses shows that the younger generation is more selective in choosing skills that are relevant to their careers and lives,” concluded Hasna.

Resources related to self-development

Respondents generally get information about self-development activities through social media, especially advertising (40%). TikTok has become the social media of choice for Gen Z to find information about self-development activities, both from the official account of the self-development activity providers (26%) and other accounts, such as from professionals or reviewers (30%). One in 3 Millennials get it from the recommendations of people around them such as friends and family.




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