
Indonesian Online Seller Survey Report

Many opportunities can be obtained by using internet: market, connections, knowledge, customers, etc. Thus, many sellers around the world are interested and sell their product on internet, thus create e-commerce. Indonesia, as a country with high population and a developing country responds internet very well. Implementation of internet opens new world for Indonesian. Thus, they take advantage of internet and smartphone as well. As we can find in any media social, some sellers sell and offer their products and services to their potential customers.

Here, JAKPAT considered conducting a survey relating to Indonesian online seller. Thus, we selected our respondents based on online seller or not. In this survey, we had 4125 respondents, consisting of 2079 male respondents and 2046 female respondents. Most of our respondents are between 20 and 25 years. You also can see the infographic of this survey below:

online seller _en

We gave them the first question concerning online selling, thus we found that only 2763 of respondents ever or actively sell online.


Q1 (single answer) : do you ever sell a product/service online? Total Gender
Male Female
Option 1 : yes, I do 2432 1318 1114
58,96% 63,40% 54,45%
Option 2 : yes, online selling is my job 330 107 223
8,00% 5,15% 10,90%
Option 3 : never 1363 654 709
33,04% 31,46% 34,65%
Total 4125 2079 2046
100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Based on this survey result, female respondents have a higher percentage for being regular online sellers than male respondents.


We asked our respondents concerning product or service sold online, subsequently, we found that fashion is the most traded product on internet (43.36%).

Q2 (multiple answer) : what product do you sell online? Total Gender
Male Female
Option 1 : Fashion 1198 362 836
43,36% 13,10% 30,26%
Option 2 : housewares/household goods 191 99 92
6,91% 3,58% 3,33%
Option 3 : new hand phone 205 155 50
7,42% 5,61% 1,81%
Option 4 : second-hand hand phone 839 643 196
30,37% 23,27% 7,09%
Option 5 : new gadget except hand phone (Tablet, Laptop) 226 178 48
8,18% 6,44% 1,74%
Option 6 : second-hand gadget except hand phone (tablet, laptop) 386 306 80
13,97% 11,07% 2,90%
Option 7 : books 160 64 96
5,79% 2,32% 3,47%
Option 8 : bicycle 68 47 21
2,46% 1,70% 0,76%
Option 9 : motorbike 231 185 46
8,36% 6,70% 1,66%
Option 10 : car 150 96 54
5,43% 3,47% 1,95%
Option 11 : house/land 143 90 53
5,18% 3,26% 1,92%
Option 12 : services (translation, design, etc) 300 200 100
10,86% 7,24% 3,62%
Option 13 : Other 645 281 364
23,34% 10,17% 13,17%
Total 4742 2706 2036
171,63% 97,94% 73,69%

In this survey result, we also found that fashion stuff is dominated by female sellers (30.26%), while second-hand hand phone is dominated by male sellers (23.27%).


Q3 (multiple answer) : what site/platform do you use for selling your products? Total Gender
Male Female
Option 1 : Web sendiri 284 164 120
10,28% 5,94% 4,34%
Option 2 : Facebook 1699 810 889
61,49% 29,32% 32,18%
Option 3 : Twitter 520 212 308
18,82% 7,67% 11,15%
Option 4 : Instagram 719 200 519
26,02% 7,24% 18,78%
Option 5 : Path 187 71 116
6,77% 2,57% 4,20%
Option 6 : Kaskus 815 603 212
29,50% 21,82% 7,67%
Option 7 : OLX 1168 770 398
42,27% 27,87% 14,40%
Option 8 : Berniaga 731 470 261
26,46% 17,01% 9,45%
Option 9 : Tokopedia 329 166 163
11,91% 6,01% 5,90%
Option 10 : Qoo10 26 11 15
0,94% 0,40% 0,54%
Option 11 : Elevenia 42 22 20
1,52% 0,80% 0,72%
Option 12 : Rakuten 21 15 6
0,76% 0,54% 0,22%
Option 13 : Other 263 94 169
9,52% 3,40% 6,12%
Total 6804 3608 3196
246,25% 130,58% 115,67%

We also wanted to know what platform that our respondents use for trading, and as shown on table above, Facebook still becomes the major platform for trading (61.49%). Besides Facebook, other platforms used generally by respondents are OLX (42.27%) and Kaskus (29.5%). We also found some interesting facts in this question. First, female respondents tend to use Instagram and Twitter as other platforms besides Facebook. Second, male respondents tend to use OLX and Kaskus as other platforms besides Facebook. Thus, we can see what favorite platforms for women and men sellers based on this survey result.


Q4 (single answer) : how many transaction do you make in a month? Total Gender
Male Female
Option 1 : 1-2 transactions a month 1687 949 738
61,06% 66,60% 55,16%
Option 2 : 3-10 transactions a month 757 346 411
27,40% 24,28% 30,72%
Option 3 : 11-20 transactions a month 165 69 96
5,97% 4,84% 7,17%
Option 4 : 21-50 transactions a month 82 26 56
2,97% 1,82% 4,19%
Option 5 : > 50 transactions a month 72 35 37
2,61% 2,46% 2,77%
Total 2763 1425 1338
100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

We asked our respondents relating to their transactions in a month. Moreover, according to the survey result, most of respondents are less active on online trading, 61.06% of them only make 1-2 transactions in a month.


Q5 (single answer) : what payment method do you use? Total Gender
Male Female
Option 1 : COD 861 605 256
31,16% 42,46% 19,13%
Option 2 : Bank Transfer 1732 706 1026
62,69% 49,54% 76,68%
Option 3 : Rekber (sharing bank account) 76 59 17
2,75% 4,14% 1,27%
Option 4 : credit card 30 18 12
1,09% 1,26% 0,90%
Option 5 : Other 64 37 27
2,32% 2,60% 2,02%
Total 2763 1425 1338
100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

Payment is the most important step on online trading, thus we asked our respondents what method that they choose as their payment method. Most of them use bank transfer as their payment method (62.69%). Nevertheless, we found that high percentage of male respondents choose COD as their payment method (42.46%).

For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer.

Click the icon to download XLS report

And also PDF Report here:

If you’re interested to do survey on retail and consumer goods field toward our respondents, we have over 31,000 mobile respondents ranged from age 17-50 years old, smartphone active users, and located in all regions of Indonesia that has installed our app and readily answering your survey. Those 31,000 respondents has been verified, profiled, and continuously tracked to make sure you get the updated profiles of them. Our respondents has been profiled based on their demographic (age,gender,location, spending level, profession,religion), lifestyle habit (smoking/non, gamers/non, wearing glasses/non, frequent flyer/non, online shopper/non), and also brand consumption level ( brand A users, brand B users in FMCG, Retail, E-commerce,etc). 

If you want to do research toward our respondent, please signup here and directly create your survey there. Or directly contact our Bizdev – Chrisprastika at +62-878-3908-9833. To non-Indonesian client, we offer free translation from foreign languages includes English, Chinese,Hindi,etc.




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