36 Money can buy you lots of things, but many people agree that all the money in the world cannot buy you back good health. More and more people are becoming increasingly aware of the impact that their daily lifestyle choices have on their health. Thus, people are paying attention to what they can do to ensure that they live longer lives. One indicator of people’s attention towards their health can be seen in the rise of the dietary and health supplements industry in Indonesia. This became clearer in 2013 when Dra Lucky Slamet, head of Indonesia’s food and drug agency (BPOM) announced that “health supplement” would be a different category from food and pharmaceuticals. These dietary supplements are powders, liquids, or capsules that are not foods or medicines. cheap water trampoline Generally, people consume these (e.g. vitamin C pills, multivitamin pills, etc.) to get the nutrients that they cannot get from their daily diets. At JakPat, we asked millennials from the ages of castillos inflables 18-30 about their consumption of health supplements. The results discussed here come from a survey taken by 434 respondents, of which 56.22% are female. First, we asked respondents how they would rate their overall health. People generally gave a favorable rating with 55.3% stating that their health was “good” and 16.59% saying “very good.” Not many believed that they were in poor health (4.84%). When asked about whether they were receiving the proper nutrients, many felt that they were getting some, but not enough to meet their daily needs. Respondents felt that they were not getting enough of Vitamin C (31.8%), Vitamin D (32.03%), Vitamin B (30.18%), Potassium (26.96%), Omega-3 fatty acids (27.88%). Two other things to consider in looking at these numbers also are that people may not know how much of these nutrients they need or let alone what these nutrients are. However, more than half (55.07%) did say they got enough protein. Health supplements are designed to support people’s diets to make sure that they get the nutrients that they are missing. From this survey, it was discovered that most people have had experience with taking a dietary supplement. In fact more than half have taken it a few times. People have different reasons for taking dietary supplements and below are some of the reasons. It should be no surprise that maintaining health and staying healthy is the most cited reason as that is the purpose of these supplements. Even if that is the case, most people are not convinced that they need health supplements. Nearly two-thirds of respondents believe that they can get all of the nutrients they need without taking capsules or pills. Likewise, people are also concerned about the safety of dietary supplements. But if a doctor suggested taking them, the majority would do so. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293