30 Technology has been making our shopping habit becomes easier. We do not have to spare enough times to leave the house for shopping. By using technology, we can get the goods we need in just one click. Although the practice of online shopping seems to be more familiar in term of fashion products, several supermarkets also try to bet their luck by providing online grocery shopping and delivery service. Apparently, there are two kinds of online grocery shopping and delivery service offered by supermarket. At first, they offer the service by using their own website, while at second they collaborate with other applications such as Go-Mart and Happy Fresh. Understanding this phenomenon, we conducted a survey to our 203 respondents in nationwide about online grocery shopping and delivery service offered by supermarket. First of all, we asked about respondents’ awareness of online grocery shopping and delivery service offered by supermarket. Although this service was relatively new, but it’s awareness among respondents was remaining high. 63% of respondents said that they already knew about the service. However, their actual experience of trying the service was relatively low. Only half of those who knew the service ever tried using the service. We continue our investigation by asking respondents’ perception of online grocery shopping and delivery service. Basically, we asked about their motivation of using or not using the service. Three most mentioned reasons were gathered. For those who were willing to use the service said that the service would make their shopping practice become easier and way simpler. Being busy also became their motivation of using the service. Since they were quite busy, they did not have any spare times to visit supermarket. At last, they considered online grocery shopping would save their money since they would not do any impulsive buying. In other hand, respondents who were unwilling to use the service also mentioned three reasons. First, they love to visit supermarket, so that using online grocery shopping and delivery service seems to be less interesting for them. Second, they considered that using the service as more expensive since they should spend more money to pay delivery fee. At last, they assumed that by using the service would make them unable to buy any promotional products offered by supermarket. Different patterns of shopping habit also have been found among respondents’ age. We asked the product they plan to buy using online grocery shopping and delivery. The 20-25 years old respondents said that they were more likely to buy toiletries, instant beverages, and rice. Different answers also mentioned by the 26-29 years old respondents who plan to buy rice, cooking oil, and toiletries. Respondents in 30-35 years old in other hand mentioned that they would like to buy instant beverages, toiletries, and dairy products. At last, the respondents in 36-45 years old said that they plan to use online grocery shopping and delivery service to buy instant beverages, vegetables, and cooking oil. Besides comparing the intended purchased products among respondents’ age, we also try to compare different intentions between sexes. We break down five most desirable products to buy by using the service that were most mentioned by respondents. Male respondents were more likely to buy instant beverages, rice, dairy products, toiletries, and kids snack. In other hand, female respondents were more likely to buy toiletries, instant beverages, cooking oil, rice, and dairy products. We further tried to see the estimated overall price respondents willing to spend by using the service. Regarding the cost of their grocery shopping, 51% of respondents would like to pay about IDR 100-200K/transaction. Furthermore, we also asked about their estimated price of delivery fee. Among all respondents, 59% considered IDR 10K as the ideal price of delivery fee they should pay. As there is various ways to pay our purchase in online shopping, we asked about respondents’ preferable method of transaction payment. More than half respondents said that they prefer cash on delivery (COD) service as the most preferred payment method. This finding then followed by using debit/credit card once they had their groceries delivered and by using bank transfer at the last position. At last, we asked about respondents expected promotional service they receive if they try using the online grocery shopping and delivery service. Apparently, male respondents were more likely to receive discount for delivery fee service. In other hand, female respondents were more likely to receive free products after fulfilling the minimum amount of transaction. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293