31 Indonesians’ Exercising Habit Survey JAKPAT conducted a survey to find out Indonesians’ exercising habit. This survey conducted to 1721 respondents who are JAKPAT’s users from all around Indonesia. From 1721 respondents who joined this survey, as many as 74.76% respondents did exercise regularly, whereas 25.24% of respondents didn’t exercise regularly. To those who exercised regularly, moreover JAKPAT asked what was the exercise or what kind of sport that they did. Most of them said running was their favorite, because it was easy-to-do sport. And now running also become new trending sport in big cities such Jakarta. In this survey, JAKPAT wanted to find out how many times respondents exercised in a week, with whom they did exercise, and what supplement they took. As many as 48.26% respondents did exercise once a week, 39.27% of them did it twice to three times a week, whereas 8.28% of them did it three to five times a week, and 4.19% of the respondents did it more than five times a week. In doing exercise, 57.39% of the respondents did it together with some friends, meanwhile 14.04% did it with their family, and 25.9% of respondents did it by themselves. We can assume that other person had a significant influence in improving someone’s interest in exercising. There was no significant result upon consuming supplement for doing exercise, it was only 16.21% of them who consumed supplement, whereas 83.79% of them don’t consume it. If you want to download the report please click download XLS report below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report Interested to do the same survey? Register with JAKPAT now and create a survey from your dashboard and send it to our 20,000+ mobile respondents.