36 Indonesia is a unique country with many kinds of heritages, cultures and arts. From the historical until the contemporary, we can find many museums across the country that accommodates that nation’s wealth. However, sadly, only some people who put some interest towards the museum. Therefore, regarding to this matter, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see the museum habit and preferences of Indonesians. This survey involved 3000 respondents from across Indonesia. For the further notes, Jakpat’s respondents in this survey are Indonesian smart-phone users, with a range of age from 15 to 50 year-old. This survey report is divided into eight parts. The first part contains of some general findings regarding to museum visit by Indonesian. First of all, we find that most of our respondents (78.63%) admit that they have ever visited a museum, while the other (21.37%) admit that they have never visited a museum. From those who have visited a museum, some of them (31.24%) think that museum is their main tourism attraction to visit whenever they travel to a certain place. Meanwhile, from those who never visited a museum, most of them (88.46%) admit that they do have interest to visit a museum sometimes in the future. Regarding to how often our respondents visit a museum, more than half of them (53.29%) admit that they visit less than one museum in a year, while less than half other (44.34%) visit about 1 to 5 museums in a year. During this year (2016), less than half of our respondents (48.96%) admit that they haven’t visited any museum yet, while less than half other (46.42%) have visited museums for about 1 to 3 times already. The second part of this survey report contains of the motivation our respondents have to visit a museum. Apparently, more than half of our respondents (56.21%) admit that they visit a museum based on someone else’s invitation instead of their own intention. Hence we find five top motivations to visit a museum: “the attraction towards the museum’s collections” (65.24%), “the curiosity towards the museum’s content” (58.63%), “the desire to have some fun” (36.03%), “the needs to fill in the spare time” (35.23%), and “the assignment from their institution” (28.19%). The third part of this survey report contains of the attraction a museum has that our respondents think could motivate them to visit a museum. The top most attraction is the museum’s exhibited collection (85.84%), while the second top is the museum’s architecture and exterior design (61.58%). Moreover, other attractions are including: “the museum’s location” (29.00%), “the facilities offered by the museum” (22.64%), and “the museum’s fame and popularity” (19.80%). The fourth part of this survey report contains of some habit we find regarding to museum visit. Apparently, our respondents usually visit a museum with their friends (54.81%), partner (22.00%), or family (19.08%). Furthermore, when they visit a museum, they usually spend less than IDR 10,000 (21.87%), about IDR 10,000 to IDR 25,000 (31.50%), or about IDR 25,000 to IDR 50,000 (20.22%). The fifth part of this survey report contains of some social media habit we find regarding to museum visit. Apparently, less than half of our respondents (46.93%) admit that they update a status on social media about visiting a museum, while more than half of them (56.80%) admit that they upload a photo on social media about visiting a museum. Facebook, Instagram, and Path are currently three best people choice social media for both activities. We also find that some of our respondents (39.55%) admit that they check-in location on social media when visiting a museum. In addition to that, we find only a few of our respondents (13.01%) who admit that they write about their experience of visiting a museum on a blog. The sixth part of this survey report contains of the information sources that our respondents have regarding to museum visit. Apparently, our respondents access some media to get information about museum. Those media are the internet (94.96%), the electronic media such as television and radio (47.56%), and the printed media such as newspaper and magazine (38.58%). The seventh part of this survey contains of some opinions we collect regarding to the museums in Indonesia. Most of our respondent think that the quality of museums in many cities in Indonesia is not generally even (70.24%), as well as the facility (75.07%). Hence more than half of them think that the quality of museums in Indonesia is averagely enough or rather poor (52.18%+26.03%), as well as the facility (52.01%+28.70%). Furthermore, almost all of our respondents agree that the quality of museums in Indonesia needs to be developed (99.32%), as well as the facility (99.24%). In addition to that, most of our respondents (82.07%) think that museum is a potential strength for tourism in Indonesia. The last part of this survey contains some reason we gather from our respondents who never visited a museum regarding to why they never do that. Apparently, the top reason is because they don’t have time to visit a museum (43.99%), while the second top reason is because they don’t have any companion to go to a museum with (37.75%) and just because (37.75%). Lastly, other reasons are including: “not having any interest to visit a museum” (15.60%) and “thinking that there are a lot of better tourism attraction than museums” (14.35%). For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293