41 Do you remember the taxi drivers strike incident in Jakarta in last March? Strike action is carried out as a form of protest against the business of applications-based transportation. Demonstrations had quite a significant impact on the condition of Jakarta, where major strikes occured. Even this action clashed with fellow taxi drivers. This incident brought some taxi companies in the spotlight, even in the social media netizens were talking about the act of the taxi drivers. For a brand, reputation is everything. Communication and marketing strategies are done to maintain the reputation of the brand in order to remain good for public. Such incidents taxi drivers strike couple months ago was obviously more or less definite impact on the reputation of the taxi company. Some times ago, we invited our panels for considering the incident of taxi driver demonstration. We asked them about the company’s reputation taxi after the incident. In this survey, we chose the Bluebird as the object of the survey since Bluebird is a large taxi company in Indonesia, and its presence was not only in Jakarta but in several other major cities. Our aim was ratings Bluebird reputation by the panels. We involved the panels from Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang and Bali. 467 respondents involved in the survey, as you can see the detail in the survey report (please kindly download xls). We started by asking about their intensity of Bluebird taxi ride. From 467 respondents involved turns out the majority ride Blue bird rarely, while respondents who stated often take a taxi bluebird only 10.28%. After that, we wanted to assess the respondents’ loyalty to the brand Bluebird. The majority of respondents (48.19%) stated are not loyal to the Bluebird, they are not concerned about what taxi they use. But not a few respondents stated that whenever possible they choose Bluebird, compared to other taxi (44.20%). In our next question, we asked they to recalling the incident, if they remember, whether the incident has changed their views on the reputation of Bluebird. And surprisingly, the majority of respondents said that the incident slightly changed their views (41.05%), while 11.84% of respondents did not know of the incident. We continued our inquiries on respondents who know the incidents. We asked if respondents are still using a Bluebird taxi after the incident, 44.78% of respondents said they still use it, while 44.18% of respondents said they use it if no other choice. In addition, we asked for the opinion of them, what important from a taxi company is. It turned out that the quality of the driver becomes the most important thing for our panel, while the price is also a considerable concern. We asked the panel assessing the reputation of Blue Bird, the majority gave points 6 (26.05%), while 21.84% of respondents gave 8. The value is not too bad for the reputation of the brand. Besides Jakarta, we also involving respondents from another cities like Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, and Bali. There are interesting things that we found in this latest survey. We tried to compare the answers of respondents coming from Jakarta and other cities. We found that respondents from outside Jakarta tend not affected the incidence compared to respondents from Jakarta tends to be more affected by the incident. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293