42 Did you know that brand has also a life span like people, they grow and become iconic in the market and could be old if they are not renew. So what should you do to detect whether the brand that you have is still remembered by the customer or can still compete with other brand? Brand Tracking is one method on how you can monitor the performance and health of your brand. Brand Tracking method usually consist of tracking of 1) Brand Awareness, 2) Brand Usage , 3) Brand Image/Attribute, 4) Purchase Intention. In this post, we would like to share you about Brand Tracking survey that we have done by our inhouse team at JAKPAT. The product covered in this brand tracking report is Ice Cream Product. We use the Brand Tracking survey template from JAKPAT Dashboard and send the survey toward to the consumer which are 514 respondents, 286 female and 236 male Within the age segment of 17-39 years old which is spread from all around respondents in Indonesia. Most are from DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur and the less than from Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, Riau and Jawa Tengah. Go in detail, about Brand Tracking report, we’ll guide you to stage by stage of the report below. For the first stage, we’ll discuss about Brand Awareness. 1. Brand Awareness Brand Awareness is the important way to promoting about your product to consumer and the identity to differentiate from competitor’s product. Brand Awareness is consist of Brand Recall and Brand Recognition. Brand Recall : WALLS AT TOP Brand recall meant to check what brand is in the memories of consumer. In this report, when we check about Ice Cream product, here are the result On the result above, the top brand that consumer remembered is Walls. The data presented above is grouped by same phrases mentioned by respondent. The data presented below is grouped by same phrases mentioned by respondent. These are displayed at real-time dashboard to ease client check and estimate the open answers questions ( not coded yet). Brand Recognition: WALLS AND CAMPINA ARE RECOGNIZED MORE THAN OTHER BRANDS Brand Recognition meant to check what brands are recognize when they are mentioned to the consumers. In our brand tracking report on Ice cream, consumer recognize Walls and Campina compare to other Ice Cream brands mentioned. Here is the result: 2. BRAND USAGE In brand usage we define the historical consumers usage of a brand. This topic will includes recency, spending, quantity, channel, brand purchase, and frequency of purchase. Let’s go deeper in our report in brand usage then! RECENCY : MOST CONSUMER BOUGHT ICE CREAM IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS AGO SPENDING : MOST CONSUMER SPENDS AROUND Rp 10.000 – Rp 50.000 ON ICE CREAM QUANTITY : 1 UNIT VS 2-3 UNIT OF ICE CREAM PER PURCHASE CHANNEL : MOST CONSUMER BOUGHT ICE CREAM AT MINIMARKET BRAND PURCHASED : WHAT ARE THE LAST BRAND OF PRODUCT ICE CREAM DID YOU PURCHASE? FREQUENCY OF PURCHASE : ONCE A MONTH TO SEVERAL TIMES A MONTH 3. BRAND IMAGE How does consumer view your brand? This part of survey report reveals about what are the brand image consumer views your brand and the attributes toward the brand. In short what customer’s perception about the brand. These are QUALITY : TASTE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, THEN PRICE, THEN NUTRITION? MOST INFLUENTIAL SOURCE OF INFORMATION IS THIS BRAND IS DIFFERENT FROM OTHER BRAND? WHY? HOW SATISFIED IS CONSUMER WITH THE BRAND? 4. PURCHASE INTENTION A plan that people will purchase the particular of goods and service in the near future. PLAN TO PURCHASE AGAIN? WHEN? IN WHAT CONDITION WILL YOU BUY? BRANDS TO PURCHASE NEXT TIME? NEXT TIME WILL PURCHASE SAME BRAND/ SWITCH Though consumer sees the brand as different within other brands, in ice cream product consumer is also easily switch to other brands. Download PDF Report of Brand Tracking – Ice Cream Product here: In JAKPAT you can do brand tracking survey in regular basis ( weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly) that matches your product characteristics. JAKPAT Dashboard has time-series dashboard to compare data from each week/bi-week/monthly/quarterly. Consult with us and let us know your needs in brand tracking surveys for the following years toward Indonesian market, we offer special discount for a year tracking period. Want to know more about JAKPAT’s services ,You can download our credential here: And also our panel book profile here: For further inquiry, Kindly contact us at partner@jajakpendapat.net / 0274-292-0162