57 Consumer Behavior in 2024 Ramadan Increases from Last Year Ramadan spending is usually higher than other months. Generally, the funds allocated are mostly spent on matters related to the need to celebrate the victory day. Jakpat surveyed to find out how consumers behavior in 2024 Ramadan. The report, which involved 1117 Muslim respondents, shows what activities and expenses in the holy month, ranging from shopping, eating (suhoor & iftar), to going home. In general, 42% of respondents admitted that their expenses this year are bigger than 2023 Ramadan. Four out of 5 people gave zakat/infaq/sadaqah in Ramadan this year. Other expenses were for Ramadan shopping, both food (79%) and needs related to the moment (71%). One out of 3 people admitted to spending money on going home. When it comes to Ramadan shopping, 92% of respondents bought clothes. Many also purchased fashion accessories (59%) and footwear (54%). As many as 56% of women bought makeup/skincare and 1 in 4 men bought home décor. By age group, 49% of Gen Z bought makeup/skincare. While Millennials prefer clothing accessories (63%) and Gen X buys footwear (57%). Overall, 6 out of 10 respondents shopped Ramadan online. “From this survey, we can see that people’s shopping behavior during Ramadan is influenced by age groups. Generation Z, for example, has a higher interest in makeup and skincare products than the previous generation. This shows a difference in the preferences of the younger generation who focus more on appearance. However, in general, the purchase of fashion products before Eid al-Fitr is still a consumer favorite, especially with the current trend of family sarimbit clothes, “said Research Lead of Jakpat, Farida Hasna. Socializing in Ramadan As many as 36% of respondents gave 2024 Ramadan hampers. Most of the contents are food, such as pastries (68%), packaged food/drinks (57%), to basic necessities (42%). They give it to the closest people, such as family, friends, and neighbors. Regarding the budget, 42% of these buyers budgeted IDR 100-250 thousand for one hamper. “Indonesian people still uphold the tradition of sharing delivery during Ramadan, as a form of friendship. Our research shows that various types of food and drinks are still the most popular contents of hampers, such as pastries, ready-made foods, or groceries. In addition, worship equipment and Muslim clothing are also often used as delivery during Ramadan. Usually, the hampers are distributed in the weeks before Eid al-Fitr,” said Hasna. Another social activity that is also carried out in Ramadan is breaking the fast together. As many as 51% of those who came to the activity claimed to attend 2-4 iftar events. They came to iftar events attended by family (59%), close friends (49%), and school/college friends (38%). Homecoming/Vacation As many as 68% of respondents who work outside hometowns went mudik in 2024 Ramadan. Bandung City, Bogor Regency, and Garut Regency are the most homecoming destinations. A total of 56% of respondents said they went to their hometown in the fourth week of Ramadan. Then, the vehicles used for homecoming are dominated by private property, namely motorcycles (34%) and cars (27%). In addition to going home, some respondents vacation during 2024 Ramadan with a percentage of 6%. Three favorite destinations are Bandung Regency, Sukabumi Regency, and Malang City. Six out of 10 people intend to take a vacation after Eid al-Fitr. Download Report Request A Quote