47 Download Report Request A Quote Daily Supplies During COVID-19 Outbreak – Jakpat Survey Report COVID-19 or Coronavirus has been spreading throughout Indonesia and it’s affected citizens’ daily activities. The hashtag #dirumahaja and #workfromhome which are widely circulating on social media is one of the government’s efforts to reduce the spread of this virus. People are encouraged to work and do activities inside the house that they can limit outdoor activities. Facing current conditions, many citizens have appeared with anxiety about the limited supply of food and health-related items¹. Relevant to the condition, Jakpat has conducted a survey to find out Indonesian’s daily need and their plans to purchase within the next few months during this emergency. Here are some previews of the report: 1. https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20200320104453-4-146366/peritel-blak-blakan-ada-3-kali-panic-buying-gegara-corona Download Report Request A Quote