
Skincare Usage Behavior and Tech Adoption

Skincare Usage Behavior and Tech Adoption – Jakpat Survey Report

Skincare industry is rapidly growing, indicating that the industry has generated an enormous target market. Furthermore, it causes the continual release of the new products in the market. The presence of various skincare products make consumers have numerous preferences on them and it can have an impact on their loyalty to a product. Therefore it becomes a challenge for the company to always do innovation that meets the market’s needs because that’s the answer to this issue.

Jakpat conducted a survey to get insight from Indonesia consumers by determining usage behavior & innovation (communication & reception) toward skin care product.

Here are some previews of the report:

Jakpat Report-for publish-06
Jakpat Report-for publish-08
Jakpat Report-for publish-13
Jakpat Report-for publish-18
Jakpat Report-for publish-page-019
Jakpat Report-for publish-page-020




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