62 Eid al-Adha 2024 Trends: Animal Selection to Sacrificial Meat Distribution Eid al-Adha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is a time for reflection, gratitude, and sacrifice to honor of Prophet Ibrahim AS who was willing to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail AS, as a form of obedience to Allah’s commands. Jakpat surveyed 1,383 respondents about their experiences and plans related to Eid al-Adha. As many as 82% of respondents admitted that they usually pray Eid al-Adha in mosques, while some others do it in open fields (33%). Gen X prefers to pray Eid in the open field than other generations. Sacrificial Animals Eid al-Adha is linked with the slaughter of sacrificial animals. Goats and cows are the two most used as sacrificial animals. Respondents prepared funds of around Rp1.5-5 million to buy each sacrificial animal. Although sacrificial animal purchases can already be done online, the majority still buy directly from farmers (59%) and animal markets (31%). The main reasons for buying sacrificial animals directly are to find out the quality of the animal (91%), be able to negotiate prices (66%), and interact directly with the seller (60%). In addition, direct purchases make buyers feel involved in the sacrificial process (47%). Septiana Widi Sugiastuti, Research Lead of Jakpat, advised online qurban service providers to consider other alternatives. “While online buying offers convenience, reasons such as checking animal quality, negotiating prices, and interacting with sellers keep many people from the traditional way. Online sacrificial service providers can offer additional services such as video calls to see the condition of animals in real-time or quality assurance and refunds if animals do not match what was promised,” she said. Sacrificial Meat The distribution of sacrificial meat also shows an interesting pattern. Gen Z pays more attention to whom sacrificial meat will be given, while Millennials and Gen X prefer to leave the distribution of sacrificial meat to the committee. Nine out of 10 respondents received sacrificial meat with plastic wrap. When asked about important considerations in meat wrapping, 60% of respondents prioritize practicality, followed by wrappers that can prevent bacteria (55%), do not contaminate meat (55%), and are environmentally friendly (52%). Gen X is the generation that pays the most attention to the cleanliness of meat wrappers. Regarding what packaging is best for sacrificial meat, as many as 60% answered plastic. However, Gen X and Gen Z choose eco-friendly alternatives, Gen X opting for banana leaf wrap/teak leaf wrap (44%), while Gen Z chooses to bring their own container from home (43%). Download Report Request A Quote