11 The 2024 Indonesia Regional Election is around the corner. This year, the event will be held on November 27, 2024, in 37 provinces, 415 districts, and 93 cities, where people will elect representatives who they believe can voice their interests. Jakpat independently conducted a survey of respondents in several cities in Indonesia regarding social and political views in the context of the 2024 Regional Elections, in Surakarta City, West Java Province, East Java Province, Jakarta Special Region Province, Bandung City, and Medan City. “Social and political conditions in Indonesia are very dynamic, all forms of change can occur in a short time, therefore Jakpat took the initiative to conduct this research to provide an overview of political conditions in the six regions with the largest population in Indonesia,” said Jakpat’s Head of Research, Aska Primardi. The points in the 2024 Regional Elections series report are to find out some things, including social and political problems in the region, aspects of social and political evaluation compared to the previous year, and the image of regional leaders that the community wants. “We have entered the post-truth era, where factual truth is not the decisive point of a person’s decision, but is more determined by a person’s subjective opinions, perceptions, and feelings. The indicator of the success of a leader’s policy is not only assessed from the data and facts directly but also how the public feels about the policy. All politicians are currently competing to win positive sentiment from the public,” added Aska. Surakarta City = 141 respondents Based on the analysis of qualitative answers from respondents in Surakarta City, the worrisome issues in the region are dynastic politics or nepotism (11%) and employment, to be precise unemployment (10%). The problem of social inequality or poverty is also a concern for 7% of the local people. On the one hand, 33% of people in Surakarta City stated that the current social and political situation is better than the previous leadership period. West Java Province = 1478 respondents Based on the analysis of qualitative answers from respondents in West Java Province, almost 20% complained about employment, especially unemployment. Other issues of concern are crime (11%) and socioeconomic inequality or poverty (11%). However, 23% of people in West Java Province stated that the current social and political situation is better than during the previous leadership period. East Java Province = 905 respondents Based on the analysis of the respondents’ qualitative answers, the socio-political issues that the people of East Java are worried about are not much different from West Java, namely related to employment (15%) and poverty (12%). As many as 9% of respondents are worried about corruption problems in the region. On the other hand, 32% of people in East Java Province stated that the current social and political situation is better than during the previous leadership period. Province of the Special Region of Jakarta = 809 respondents Based on the analysis of qualitative answers from respondents in the Province of the Special Region of Jakarta, the issues of concern in the region are employment, unemployment (9%), as well as social inequality, poverty, and economic difficulties (9%). Security issues such as crime or riots are also a concern for 7% of the local community. Meanwhile, 4 out of 10 people agree that the political and social situation in the region is in the same condition compared to the previous leadership period. Bandung City = 141 respondents Based on the analysis of qualitative answers from respondents in Bandung City, as many as 27% complained about employment, especially unemployment. Other issues highlighted were social disparities such as poverty or economic hardship (17%) and security, including criminality/delinquency (15%). On the other hand, 16% of the people of Bandung consider the current political and social situation to be better compared to the previous leadership period. Medan City = 183 respondents Based on the analysis of the respondents’ qualitative answers, 1 in 5 respondents in Medan City are worried about crime problems in the area, such as robbery or theft. As many as 11% of respondents highlighted the issue of dynastic politics/politics of interest and another 9% complained about employment, especially the problem of unemployment. However, 2 out of 10 people in Medan City said that the current political and social situation is better compared to the previous leadership period. Disclaimer: Jakpat, as an independent market research institution and online survey institution, is neutral and impartial to certain individuals or political parties. This survey aims to find out the political preferences of respondents in a neutral manner.