
Getting Phone Credit Refill (Pulsa) – Survey Report

Many people have had similar moments of panic. Imagine needing to send an important message or to make an important call only to find out that you are out of phone credit. It seems that these moments come at the most inconvenient time, and one is left to figure out how to refill credit. Fortunately, there are many ways to get phone credit so you do not need to wait long until you get to send that important text message or make that call.

At Jakpat, we wanted to know what Jakpaters use chateau gonflable pas cher to refill phone credit and what the reasons are for choosing a certain way. This survey report comes from the results of 510 respondents


Denomination & Frequency

About half of the respondents state that they refill their Water trampolines Costco phone credit once a month. Nearly 1 in 3 will fill up their phone with 50,000 rupiahs worth of credit for each refill, and 1 in 5 will fill 100,000 rupiahs. This means that about half of respondents choose the higher denominations, presumably to decrease the frequency of needing to refill credit.


Ways of Getting Phone Credit

There are different methods for getting hüpfburg phone credit which include the following:


The two most popular ways that people have purchased phone credit are through banking channels (48.04%) or at a pulsa shop (45.88%). From this report, there are a few interesting things that can be picked out.

Gender: Males are likelier to purchase phone credit at a pulsa shop whereas females prefer banking channels.

Age: Older respondents prefer banking channels. Perhaps this reflects their access to an ATM.

Frequency: Those who purchase credit every day, once a week or every 2 weeks are likelier to go to a pulsa shop. In contrast, those who buy credit every 3 weeks or once a month prefer banking channels.

Denomination of Credit Refill: As well, those who spend more money on each phone credit refill (50,000 rupiahs and up) are likelier to go through banking channels whereas smaller ones go through pulsa shops.


What influences people to choose a certain way?

Given this various options available, some will be more preferable to others. We asked respondents about what they consider when making a decision to purchase their phone credit.

As expected, most people look for the quickest way to get pulsa (56.46%) followed by the most convenient way (38.63%). Other factors that may influence payment method, privacy concerns as well as promotions.

At selected mini-markets as well as supermarkets, there are often promotions to incentivize purchasing phone credits there. These promotions come in the form of free products or additional phone credit if a qualifying amount of credit refill is purchased. Most respondents are not interested in these promotions. Only 2 in 5 respondents say that are more likely to purchase phone credit at these places given a promotion.

6. pulsa and promotion


For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer.

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