29 Iftar is the evening meal when Muslims end their daily Ramadhan fast at sunset. Muslims break their fast at the time of the call to prayer (adzan) for the evening prayer (Maghrib). Iftar is also well known being called as “break-fasting”. With this new custom during Ramadhan, we would like to see the habit of Indonesian muslims when they are having iftar. Regarding to that matter, recently JAKPAT has conducted series of survey in order to see how Indonesian muslims’ habit and preference when having iftar. In this part of the survey series, we focus on the iftar habit of respondents with “college student” educational/occupational status.This survey was conducted to 985 respondents of JAKPAT who are college student. Apparently, we found that though most of college student respondents usually have iftar with their friends, they still prefer to have it with family. You can find out more information in our full data reports. Here is a list of the highlighted information: Place for Iftar Companion for Iftar Food for Iftar Iftar Schedule Iftar Events and Media For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below. Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293