
Indonesian Snapchat Users – Survey Report

Social media trends continue to grow, after Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Path, Snapchat becomes one of the social media are much favored by netizens. Along with increasing popularity, Snapchat currently has 150 million daily users. This makes this 4-years-old app is more popular than Twitter by daily users, as written by Bloomberg (June 2nd, 2016). Based on data reported by Snapchat (Snapchat Internal Data on Snapchat official website), there are 10 billion videos sent by users Snapchat or commonly called Snapchatters, every day. In this latest survey, Jakpat would like to invite you look at the behaviour of our Snapchat user panels.

We involved our 325 Snapchat user panels. Here is the profile of the respondents involved, for more details you can download the survey report (xls).


1. 40% of our respondents admitted use Snapchat daily

We started our questions by asking them how often they use the app Snapchat panel. The majority said that using it on a daily basis. While 38.77% of them only use 2-5 times a week.


2. The majority of respondents use Snapchat daily but not every time send Snaps
Although the majority of respondents claimed to use Snapchat daily, but it was not every day they send videos or photos. 65.48% of respondents said share of less than 1 Snap a day.


3. Our panels frequency activities
Snapchat has several features that can be played. We asked our panel how often they see Live stories, opened the Discover stories, using filters, and send chat. And this is the result:


4. Filter is the most favorite Snapchat feature
As we know, Snapchat has several features. We asked the panel to rank what features they like best. Turns out, filter is the most favorite feature. After that there was a live stories where Snapchat users can view videos or photos sent by people they follow.

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5. 39.08% of respondents upload videos or photos using filters on Instagram Snapchat
Make videos or photos through the app Snapchat enable users also upload them to other social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Path, or Facebook. We found that Instagram is a social media that are widely used for uploading videos or photos using filters Snapchat beside Snapchat itself.


6. 51.08% of respondents admitted follow celebrities on Snapchat
The use Snapchat by celebrities both world celebrities and Indonesian celebrity helped make Snapchat is becoming increasingly popular. The majority of our respondents stated followed celebrities on Snapchat. Who is the celebrity that followed by our respondents? Here’s the top 5 celebrity followed:



Bloomberg source:

For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer.

 You can also download PDF here:


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