38 Some of your readers must have heard of the campaign promoted by Indosat that is now Indosat has changed to Indosat Ooredoo. The campaign spread nationwide from various media from TV Ads, Billboard, Banners and also online throughout the internet and social media. Since the campaign was brought in a very large scale mentioning Indosat-Ooredo brand. We would like to gather some opinions from our panel both Indosat users and non-Indosat users regarding the campaign. INDOSAT USER Panel profile Of JAKPAT panel we collected 500 Panel that is profiled as Indosat Users. The profile of the Indosat Users Panel are shown below : THEIR OPINION ON INDOSAT’S BRAND ATTRIBUTES 3. HOW DO THEY RATE INDOSAT SERVICE AS INDOSAT USERS WHETHER THEY WANT TO SWITCH TO OTHER PROVIDER OR NOT? Now we go to the section about Indosat Ooredoo, Firstly toward these Indosat Users Panel we asked about their awareness of Indosat Ooredoo and what are their understandings about the campaign. 65.07% of Indosat Users Panel are aware of Indosat Ooredoo , thus 34.93% stated they’re not aware of it. WHAT ABOUT THEIR SOURCE OF AWARENESS? Then we dig deeper to those who are aware of the branding about their source of information. Top 2 answers are TV and announcement/notification on their network at their phone. This has raised a question to us on why does the 34.6% of the Indosat Users panel are not aware of this campaign although the change is announce through the network at their smartphone. When we look deeper into the profile of the segment who are not aware of this campaign, which in JAKPAT we can look into the crosstabulation report. It’s a bit hard to get a dominant segment that is unaware of the campaign since if we split by gender, age or SEC the distribution propotion is similar to the sum ( 60-70 : 40-30). We suspect that the awareness level is different between each region especially between Java vs Other region. But we cannot conclude it here since we don’t send the survey to enough panel in other region in the area. Further and deeper research are needed to answer this question.’ WHAT IS INDOSAT OOREDOO TO INDOSAT USERS PANEL We use open ended question to define what is their understanding toward Indosat Ooredoo. You can check the detail answer by download the XLS/PDF report. By doing screening and simple content analysis we try to categorize the answers into below table: Ganti Nama 89 27% Akuisisi 74 23% Internet Lebih Cepat 49 15% Tidak tahu 49 15% Program 23 7% 4g 19 6% Iklan 12 4% Jangkauan Luas 11 3% We can see that not all of those who aware of the campaign understand the name changes or as if the announcement of merger/acquisition of Indosat from Ooredoo, a telco company from Qatar. 50% are aware of the changing name, and half of them do not aware of the acquisition/merger. But the rest 50% do not understand the campaign well, from they don’t know about the meaning , they thought it is a new program or feature relates to faster internet/digital world/launching of 4G. EXPECTATION ABOUT INDOSAT OOREDOO Throughout the survey we would like to know whether Indosat user panel optimist or pesimist regarding the campaign. Looking at Q9, most panel seems to be optimistic about the change. At Q10 we asked what are their expectations regarding the changes of Indosat to Indosat Ooredoo. Above 50% expect better internet service ( faster, stable, unlimited,accessible,bonuses), surprisingly reward point is also pretty high at above 50% of all answer. We also asked whether they were thinking about changing their provider. Majority states they will keep using Indosat. though there are also some panel that answers they are thinking about changing their provider to other provider. NON INDOSAT USERS PANEL Panel Profile They consisted of 4 main providers, within 150 panel on each provider. You can do that setting on JAKPAT using Multiple Targeting Feature ( XL : 151 Panel, Telkomsel : 152 Panel, Three: 151 Panel, Smartfren: 150 Panel) AWARENESS OF INDOSAT OOREDOO SOURCE OF INFORMATION Main source of information about the Indosat Ooredoo campaign came from TV Ad, followed by news at media and also Billboard, Banners. We asked also their perception regarding the rebranding effort 70.92% are optimist about the increased level of service quality Indosat will brought within Indosat Ooredoo. We also asked whether they are interested to try the service between adding more providers or change their provider. Suprisingly 50%+ stated they’re interested to try it. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographicsegment preference on each answer. Result in Bahasa 1. INDOSAT USERS SURVEY 2. NON INDOSAT USERS SURVEY Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293