32 Intrusive ads has become an public issue in Indonesia for the rest of this year. Two of telecommunication company in Indonesia insert ads without permission of site owners when customers access their mobile browser. There are two kinds of ads; interstitial and off-deck. Interstitial ads show up before the web page open and off-deck ads show up at the top of web page. Those two of telecommunication company is Telkomsel and XL Axiata. Until now, there is still no clarity about that issue from both of them. Moreover a petition has been out with 18.900 people and 111 sites support to stop those intrusive ads. One of them is Kaskus, the largest Indonesian community and Kompas.com, the one of big newspaper site in Indonesia. The petition can be seen in http://stoptelcointrusiveads.com/situs.html. That petition being made based on the Indonesia Information and Transaction Electric legal basis (ITE), foundation of practices in social, and foundation of ethics. ITE number 11th on 2008 chapter 7 article 32 verse 1 about prohibited acts clearly says “Any person intentionally and without authority or unlawfully in any way to changing, adding, subtracting, transmitting, damaging, removing, transferring, harboring an Electronic Information and / or Electronic Documents that belongs to another person or public property”. You can read more about ITE in http://www.kemenag.go.id/file/dokumen/UU1108.pdf (in Bahasa Indonesia). Onno W. Purbo, one of the internet and network practitioners in Indonesia said this interstitial ads is known as intercept traffic. The telecommunication company changing the passing traffic and doing the unfair competition among ads providers. Daniel Tumiwa, the chairman of idEA (Indonesia E-Commerce Association), added that this practice classified as hijacking or hostile redirecting effort. Previously, IDA or Indonesia Digital Association through KKMO (Online Media Working Group) has initiated a formal communication with Telkomsel and XL Axiata since September 2013 and bring out the written agreement to pull out the intrusive ads from KKMO sites. But unfortunately, they putting back their ads again and broke the agreement. So, does the customer aware about this intrusive ads? JAKPAT surveyed 2753 respondents from user of JAKPAT Mobile Apps randomly to all age ranges and all provinces in Indonesia. We found that the 1201 respondents or 31,76% of them use Telkomsel as their provider and 619 respondents or 16,37% of them use XL Axiata as their provider. We asked if they know about what is intrusive ads. 67,13% answes no and 32,87% answers yes. ‘No’ answered by most respondents in age range 16-19 years old and ‘Yes’ answered by most respondents in age range 30-35 years old. When we asked about getting any ads like interstitial ads and off-deck ads with picture to explain what we mean, almost three-quarter (73,06%) says yes and the rest of it (26,94%) says no. 53,01% of respondents feels very uncomfortable with those ads. The customer side can be more awful because they don’t have a choice at all; rather to sit quietly or and get pissed when access the internet. The ads is disturbing their convenience when accessing information. Found out several times that the ads contain appropriate contents and doesn’t fit with Indonesia’s society values. Almost 76,17% feels that beyond neutral and just 3,12% feels ok with those ads. Then we asked about they thought about who might be send those ads. 37,65% sure that the sender is their telecommunication provider while 33,66% believe that the site owners send those ads. It funny when we see from the owner site side. The ads never through their approval but being shown on their site. The site is their responsibility and people start to complain if there is something wrong about the ads that they displaying. But the owner doesn’t know anything because the ads never pass their approval. So the owner site will get only the bad side. The rest is 19,33% answers they don’t know, 8,86% their internet provider, and the rest is 0,5% answers other answer. Interested to do the same survey? Register with JAKPAT now and create a survey from your dashboard and send it to our 20,000+ mobile respondents. Source: http://stoptelcointrusiveads.com/situs.html www.kemenag.go.id/file/dokumen/UU1108.pdf http://tekno.liputan6.com/read/2104469/iklan-tak-diundang-muncul-lagi-operator-langgar-janji http://industri.kontan.co.id/news/iklan-peralihan-disebut-sebagai-aksi-penyadapan/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter