46 Online shopping has become a part of this generation’s lifestyle, since the advancement of new media and technology enables people to do their daily routines digitally via the internet, including shopping. Before the online shopping phenomenon, men and women have some differences regarding to shopping habit, particularly when it comes to fashion products. Recently, Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see the preferences and habit of Indonesian men and women when they buy fashion products through online shops. Moreover, we would like to see the similarities and differences between those men and women. This survey involved 204 respondents aged 18 – 35 from 10 big cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, Bali, Lombok, and Yogyakarta. In order to gain the fair result, the respondents of this survey are consisted of 50% men and 50% women. First of all, there are 77% of all respondents who have ever bought fashion product via online shop. Apparently, there are more women than men who have bought fashion product via online shop (82% VS 73%). Regarding to the kinds of fashion product they’ve bought via online shop, both women and men mostly choose tops, such as shirt, t-shirt, blouse, etc (women 75%; men 64%). As for the second and third choices, there are differences. Bags are the second most popular fashion product has been bought by women (57%), while for men is accessories such as glasses, watch, belt, hat, etc (62%). Accessories are chosen as the third most popular fashion product has been bought by women (55%), while for men is shoes (47%). Furthermore, the fourth most popular fashion product has been bought by women and men is outer clothes such as jacket, jumper, cardigan, sweater, etc (women 52%; men 39%). Meanwhile, pants and skirts are the least chosen fashion product has been bought by both women and men (women 38%; men 26%). Next, there are 61% of all respondents who frequently buy fashion product via online shop. Apparently, women are more likely than men to frequently buy fashion product via online shop (63% VS 59%). Regarding to the kinds of fashion product they frequently buy via online shop, both women and men mostly choose tops, such as shirt, t-shirt, blouse, etc (women 81%; men 84%). As for the second and third choices, there are differences. The second most popular fashion product frequently bought by women is bags (53%), while for men is accessories such as glasses, watch, belt, hat, etc (75%). Accessories are chosen as the third most popular fashion product frequently bought by women (55%), while for men is shoes (48%). Furthermore, the fourth most popular fashion product frequently bought by women and men is outer clother such as jacket, jumper, cardigan, sweater, etc (women 42%; men 45%). Meanwhile, pants and skirts are the least chosen fashion product frequently bought by women (38%), but as for men, it’s bags (23%). Regarding to subscription, there are only 38% of all respondents who loyally subscribe to certain online shop that sells fashion product. Surprisingly, there are more men than women who loyally subscribe to certain online shop that sells fashion product (43% VS 32%). When asked about the source of information they got in the beginning regarding to the online shop that sells fashion product, there are significant differences between men and women. Women mostly got the information from recommendation of their friends (55%), seeing shared posts on their social network accounts (55%), and/or intentional browsing in order to search for online shop that sells fashion product (52%). Meanwhile, men mostly got the information from intentional browsing (65%). Furthermore, there are also some men who got the information from recommendation of their friends (49%) and/or sale and purchasing online forum they’re joining in (49%). When asked about the digital platform they usually access in order to see the fashion product that is offered by the online shop, apparently there are significant differences between men and women. There are more men than women who access sale and purchase online forum such as Kaskus (45% VS 21%). On the other hand, women are more likely than men to access online shop website such as Zalora, Berrybenka, and Lazada (65% VS 57%). There are also more women than men who access social media networks such as Instagram and Facebook (85% VS 61%) in order to browse the online shop that sells fashion product. Furthermore, regarding to recommendation they got before purchasing fashion product via online shop, there are 86% of all respondents who intentionally search for recommendation before doing the purchase, with both women and men agree to do that (women 88%; men 84%). Henceforth, both men and women mostly got the recommendation from their friends and acquaintances (76%) and/or other customers of the recommended online shop (62%). Regarding to the reason why they make decision to buy fashion product via online shop, both women and men mostly admit that they do that for the reasonable price (women 63%; men 57%). As for women, the second most popular reason why they buy fashion product via online shop is for the promo offered (48%), while the third most popular reason is because they argue that online purchase is more practical than offline purchase (46%). On the other hand, men choose the simplicity of online purchase than the offline purchase as the second most popular reason (49%), while the promo offered by the online shop is the third most popular reason (47%). Furthermore, when asked about the satisfaction of purchasing fashion product via online shop they’ve done so far, both men and women admit that they are satisfied (men 92%; women 89%). Lastly, we also asked those respondents who haven’t bought fashion product via online shop. Apparently, there are 76% of them who admit that they have interest to do that sometime in the future. Furthermore, women are more likely than men to have interest for purchasing fashion product via online shop sometime in the future (83% VS 71%). For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293