33 The rise of worldwide mobile user leads the marketers to reach their potential target market by providing mobile advertisement. Mobile advertisement (mobile ads) can take any forms, from the regular banner ad to the surprising pop ad that block your screen. However, numbers of academic studies show that most audience tends to give negative attitude toward advertising. This condition then leads us to one essential question, does mobile ads is an effective channel for promotion? According to the data of We Are Social, Indonesia now has 88 million active internet users. By using Krejcie and Morgan sample size formula, we send this survey to our 755 respondents. The sample size is considered as an acceptable number, with 5% margin error and 99% confidence level. Notable highlight of this survey is that mobile advertising in general is negatively responded by most respondents in this survey. Most clicks to the mobile ads happen as an accidental action. Thus, for most respondents in this survey mobile ads are doubly seen as an effective promotion channel. The existence of mobile ads is noticed by 88% respondent in this survey. Among all possible position of mobile ads, most respondents in this survey notice the ads that located in the below and above side of the website. Moreover, pop ads, the type of internet advertisement that surprisingly shows up and blocks the web page we view is considered as the noticeable mobile ads as well. Although most respondents in this survey are already notice about the existence of mobile ads, 94% of our respondents in this survey seem to dislike this promotion channel. Pop ads and unskipable ads become two most irritating mobile ads when they access mobile internet. However, comparing respondents’ gender in the mobile ads, our male respondents are more likely clicking on the mobile ads than female. One interesting finding about mobile ads is that most of the clicks are accidental actions. Only 20% respondent in this survey who intentionally clicks the mobile ads they see in their screen. Among all possible answers, curiosity becomes a significant reason among respondents in all segments. To further explore the majority of our respondents who accidentally click on the mobile ads, inability to press the close button becomes the major reason of this action. Moreover, mobile ads are frequently seen when our respondents in this survey check news and watch video. The negative attitude toward mobile ads is seen by respondents’ general perception about mobile ads. Among all possible emotions felt by respondents toward mobile ads, most of them are annoyed and dislike about it. Thus, most respondents in this survey are seeing mobile ads as no longer effective to be an effective promotion channel. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293