
Night Time Routine – Survey Report

People have some habit before they’re going to bed at night. Some of them are attached to their gadget as they cannot sleep before checking their social media or texting with their peers via instant messenger. Some of them need to consume some medicine or supplements. Some of them usually clean their body before they can go to sleep peacefully. Regarding to this matter, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to capture the mapping of Indonesian people’s habit before going to bed at night, focusing on what they access and what they usually use before sleeping. This survey was conducted to 3695 respondents from across Indonesia. Apparently, more than half of respondents (51,64%) usually turn their lights off before going to bed at night. You can find out more information in our full data report. Here is a list of the highlighted information:

  • The Habit: Gadget-related
  • The Habit: Body Cleansing-related
  • The Habit: Health-related
  • The Habit: Miscellaneous
  • The Habit X Gender
  • The Product Used: Social Media
  • The Product Used: Face Cleansing
  • The Product Used: Facial Wash
  • The Product Used: Micellar Water
  • The Product Used: Night Cream
  • The Product Used: Toothpaste
  • The Product Used: Mouthwash
  • The Product Used: Vitamin/Supplements/Medicine

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