45 In Indonesia, it is normal for people to know about other people’s businesses. It is common for neighbors to know about one’s work schedule, guests at one’s house, and so forth. After all, Indonesia prides itself on being a cooperative and open society that lives together in harmony. With developments in technology, social interactions are being moved more and more online. Interactions are now recorded and leave an online trace. As hinchables juegos this happens, that means that notions about privacy are also changing. Thus, JakPat wants to know about teenagers’ and millennials’ views on online privacy. This survey report is created from 512 responses. When creating a new social media account, most people frequently read about the privacy settings. That way, they know what information is collected and how they may be used. People can also choose the settings and features that they want used. The privacy policy is important to consider, especially since most people (85.55%) post real information about themselves. This includes birthday, hometown, schooling cheap water trampoline background and more. That means that personal information about people is easily accessible. On that note, people do fear improper use of their information. More than half of respondents (57.81%) state they are concerned about third parties such as government and companies accessing their personal information without permission. Users are concerned about the information that is given away, yet 3 in 4 sometimes or always check-in their location on their social media accounts. Usually, people check-in at eateries or points of interests. What this means is that people are actively letting others know where they are exactly. It is assumed that most people trust their social media friends to share this information. When it comes to adding friends on social media, most people will not add every friend request. Less than 1 in 10 will do that. Everyone eastyl else practices caution presumably for different reasons. Finally, greater online space means that there are multiple ways of entering and garnering attention. However, that does not necessarily guarantee a smooth exit should one decide to exit the online sphere. Specifically, anything that gets posted online remains, even after it is deleted. However, a good number of people believe that their online presence can be erased which is not true. 47.27% believe that there is no online footprint after things are deleted. This is an issue of greater concern for females in particular because they are likelier to post something that they later regret. With greater dependence on online media for communication and daily activities, people need to be more aware about online privacy and how they can keep themselves and their information safe. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report And also PDF Report here: Online Privacy – Survey Report from JAKPATAPP Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293