41 The open trip is a kind of trip/holiday package arranged by travel agents which enables us to go traveling with other people whom we might not know before (complete strangers) in a group. Almost all of the accommodations, travel destinations, schedule, and activities are arranged by the travel agents. This kind of trip is mostly loved by youngsters who like to explore and meet new people. Regarding this matter, recently Jakpat conducted a survey in order to get people’s insight regarding “experiencing” and “inexperienced” the open trip traveling. This survey was conducted to 1774 respondents from across Indonesia who love to travel, which we found from the preliminary question. Apparently, “suitable price” is chosen by most respondents who have experienced the open trip (68,2%) as the reason why they joined it. You can find out more information in our full data report. For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below. Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293