42 Quality is king. Perceived quality is an intangible, overall feelings about a brand. How customers feel about your product’s or brand’s ability to fulfill their needs. Question is, how to see the quality of your product in the eyes of your customers? Here’s the tricky path, it differs according to what is important to the customers using your product or service. Sometimes, perceived quality doesn’t even have anything to do with your product’s actual excellence. Instead, it is based on the public image of your company and/or brand at the moment. It might even be based on the customers’ previous experience with your brand’s other product. To figure out the dimension of perceived quality, you may want to see deeper on how people see these aspects from your products: 1. Performance 2. Features 3. Conformity with specifications 4. Reliability 5. Durability 6. Serviceability 7. Fit and finish Or, if you’re offering services, then take a look on how people rank you based on these factors: 1. Tangibles 2. Reliability 3. Competence 4. Responsiveness 5. Empathy