29 If we were to talk about how a marketer made sure their customers kept coming to buy their products or use their service, one of the most common ways is by rewarding the customers with points. A lot of companies that try to keep their customer’s loyal use the approach of giving reward points to customers. Normally the number of points depends on how much has been spent on a single purchase. This survey was meant to see how our respondents think about and react to points that are rewarded to them after purchasing a product or using a service from the serving company. We managed to ask 1951 respondents from various locations and of different groups of age range. Here are the highlights that you can find in the survey result: The general awareness of reward point collecting services The awareness of reward point collecting services for telecommunication service industry The awareness of reward point collecting services for clothing retailing industry The awareness of reward point collecting services for the personal-needs oriented service industry Top used reward point collecting services Expectations from collecting reward points Realities from collecting reward points Redeem trends of collected reward points The frequency of redeeming reward points The effect from reward points on purchasing For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below. Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293