36 Being healthy is the most important thing in life. Without a superfine physical condition we cannot do our routine activities well, and more importantly being in a sick condition for a long time would potentially damage our mind and body. Taking medicine as a solution to overcome our sickness becomes the quickest solution for most of us, before finally seeking for doctor if the condition gets worse. We conduct a survey to explore our panel medicine consumption when they get sick. We send a survey to our 816 panel in nationwide to better understand their medicine consumption. We explore their most frequently consumed medical brand, as well as mapping their purchasing habit. The decision maker on consuming medical brand will be provided in the following description as well. The highlight note about this survey is mostly focused on the different market condition between two types of disease. As we found in the survey result, medicine brand to cure influenza and cough is facing a very tight competition. Numbers of medicine brand is mentioned by respondent, without any significant brand tend to dominate over others. In other hand, the medical products to cure other diseases tend to be dominated by well-known over the counter medicine brand. To better understand our respondents’ medicine consumption behaviour, we ask them to pick any medical product they ever consume. The result of our respondents’ medicine consumption profile could be seen in the image below. We further ask our respondent to mention their most frequently consumed medicine brand when they get sick. For influenza disease, our respondents mention many brands with only slight percentage difference among them. However, the top five most frequently influenza medicine brand as mentioned by our panel are Panadol, Mixagrip, Ultra Flu, Decolgen, and Procold. In headache and cold medicine category, the domination of several medicine brands seems more prominent. For headache medicine brand, most respondents in this survey frequently consume Panadol, Bodrex, and Paramex. Moreover, for the cold medicine brand, Tolak Angin domination over other brands is quite obvious. The fierce competitions among medical brands are shown as well in the cough medicine category. The medicine brands mentioned by our respondent are quite many, with no significant percentage difference among them. However, the top five most frequently consumed cough medicine brands as mentioned by our respondent are OBH Combi, Komix, Vicks, Laserin, and Konidin. Domination over medical brand competition is shown as well in the diarrhoea and maag medicine category. For diarrhea medicine brand, Diapet and Neo Entrostop become two most frequently consumed as mentioned by respondent. Furthermore, the obvious domination in maag medicine product category is undeniable. Promag stay in the forefront position as it is mentioned as the most frequently consumed medicine by 66% respondent in this survey. Significant domination in medical brand is found as well in eye drop and vitamin C product category. The domination of Insto as the most frequently used eye drop among our respondent in this survey is almost unbeatable. This condition is very much similar in the vitamin C category, where Vitacimin dominate half of our panel in this survey. The competition in the analgesic balm and oil refreshing product category is somewhat competitive, although it is not as fierce as previous categories. Among all analgesic balm brand mentioned by our respondent, Counterpain stay in the top position. Moreover, Cap Lang is mentioned as the most frequently used refreshing oil brand by most respondents. After we lay out the consumed medical brand of our respondent in this survey, we further try to seek information about the decision maker in the consumption behaviour. According to our result, most respondents decide the medical brand by themselves. Going to the doctor when they get sick seems not to be the first option for most respondents in this survey. 28% respondents rarely go to doctor when they get sick. Most respondents who visit the doctor are usually visiting them after 2-3 days of getting sick. The over the counter medicine seems to be the most frequently consumed medical product that respondent consume whenever they get sick. Regarding the type of medicine that they like to consume, most respondents prefer tablet at the most. Keeping some medicine for stock in case of urgency seems to be familiar only for 41% respondent in this survey. The other 59% respondent is more likely buying medicine every time they get sick. Moreover, the preferred location to buy medicine is most likely happen in the networked drugstore such as Kimia Farma and K-24. However, the nearby non-networked drugstore also has the potential to grow in the near future. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293