32 Social login helps us to use an already held account for signing up in different app, website or social media; whereas, we can create our account in other apps or social media by registering new account. Then, which one do you prefer? Using social login or registering new account? Here, JAKPAT were interested in figuring out people’s preference between social login and registering new account when creating, using or accessing apps, social media and websites. We had +2400 respondents following this survey. After obtaining the survey result, we concluded some facts. 1. MAJORITY OF RESPONDENTS USE SOCIAL LOGIN (EX: USING FACEBOOK, TWITTER, G+ OR LINKEDIN ACCOUNT) We found that 75.27% of respondents use social login for signing up in some apps or social media. However, the rest of them, 24.73% of respondents choose registering new account. 2. FOR CHATTING APP, FACEBOOK ACCOUNT IS THE FIRST CHOICE FOR SOCIAL LOGIN Afterwards, we asked further question to them to know what they will do if they have to sign in before they are able to use a chatting app. Is it registering a new account or using social login? It turned out that Facebook account is the highest answer from respondents (38.55%). Registering new account is on the second place after social login with Facebook (24.48%). Other alternatives used by respondents are login with gmail account, LINE, twitter, Path and Linkedin. 3. +40% OF RESPONDENTS USE FACEBOOK FOR SIGNING UP A DATING APP When respondents are asked what alternatives they take when signing up a dating app, 40.12% of them using Facebook and only 37.72% if them registering new account. The lowest percentage is Linkedin, in which only 0.66% of respondents using this account. 4. RESPONDENTS ARE WILLING TO USE THEIR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WHEN USING SHOPPING APP When using shopping app, we will be asked to create an account or login with other accounts (such as Facebook, LINE, Twitter, etc). Here, it showed that Facebook still dominates other social media or email accounts (37.01%). Then, followed by registering new account (26.80%), using gmail (25.02%), LINE, Twitter, Path and Linkedin. 5. FOR NEWS APP, +40% OF RESPONDENTS CHOOSE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT FOR SIGNING UP Respondents still prefer using Facebook account to using other social media or email accounts (42.49%). Around of half respondents are still willing to register new account (25.31%) and 18.38% of them using their gmail account. 6. +35% OF RESPONDENTS USE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WHEN USING PHOTO EDITOR APP How about photo editor app? What account do respondents use when using the app? We found that Facebook, again still become respondents’ first choice for photo editor app (39.75%) and 25.27% of them registering new account. 7. HIGHEST POSSIBILITY FOR RESPONDENTS TO USE SOCIAL LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK IS FOR USING SPORT APP Here, we knew that more respondents use Facebook for social login when they are using sport app (45.60%). Moreover, smaller numbers of respondents register new account for using sport app (23.49%). 8. MOST RESPONDENTS CHOOSE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WHEN USING ALARM APP When we asked our respondents what account that they use when using alarm app, facebook account is the most answer (32.95%). Then, it is followed by registering new account (28.05%) and gmail account (27.18%). 9. MORE RESPONDENTS CHOOSE GMAIL ACCOUNT THAN REGISTER NEW ACCOUNT WHEN USING CALENDAR APP When it comes to calendar app, respondents prefer using gmail account (33.57%) to registering new account (20.79%). But, overall, facebook is still the most used account for calendar app (36.68%). 10. GMAIL ACCOUNT ALSO IS COMMONLY USED FOR GAME, BESIDES FACEBOOK ACCOUNT For game, still more respondents use Facebook account (43.57%). Nevertheless, more than half of respondents also use their gmail account when playing game (26.43%). Furthermore, fewer of respondents register new account (16.14%). We can conclude that even though social login dominates other alternatives, but more people tend to register new account for dating apps and shopping apps. And, Facebook is the most preferred social media for social login, and email is the second preferred alternative. When we look at other social media, LINE seems to be more preferred over path, twitter or linkedin. Nevertheless, for sport and news app, twitter is preferred over LINE, path and linkedin. And when it comes to photo editor app, more people are willing to connect to path and LINE than twitter. It is also the same when to decide where to purchase. Those who often do lie within the percentage of 60.19%, which is considered pretty high compared to those who often don’t with huge gap of 38.64%, which is the habit of Indonesians in sticking to the same routine that is more convenient, since adapting to new products and stores can be time-consuming. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report And if you’d wish to send a survey to JAKPAT’s respondent, let’s request a Sales Quote here! If you’re interested to do survey on retail and consumer goods field toward our respondents, we have over 31,000 mobile respondents ranged from age 17-50 years old, smartphone active users, and located in all regions of Indonesia that has installed our app and readily answering your survey. Those 31,000 respondents has been verified, profiled, and continuously tracked to make sure you get the updated profiles of them. Our respondents has been profiled based on their demographic (age,gender,location, spending level, profession,religion), lifestyle habit (smoking/non, gamers/non, wearing glasses/non, frequent flyer/non, online shopper/non), and also brand consumption level ( brand A users, brand B users in FMCG, Retail, E-commerce,etc). If you want to do research toward our respondent, please signup here and directly create your survey there. Or directly contact our Bizdev – partner@jajakpendapat.net. To non-Indonesian client, we offer free translation from foreign languages includes English, Chinese,Hindi,etc.