41 It has been more than a decade since social media becomes a part of our daily life, but its hype doesn’t seem to end in anytime soon. Social media however has been re-defining our way to be connected with others, as well as eliminating time and space barrier. More importantly, since social media has been a part of our daily life, most of us tend to access social media almost in anytime, including at work. Some companies may have social media access policy, while some others may not. However, the habit on accessing social media at work and its effect on productivity become essential to be understood. We conduct a survey to explore how do our respondent access social media at work, as well as understanding their perception about the effect of social media toward productivity. We send the survey to 807 respondents in nationwide, with demographic composition as 42% male and 58% female. According to the data of Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia, the number of Indonesian citizen who have any occupation is reaching up to 118 million people in 2014. Thus, according to the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) respondent sampling formula with 5% margin error and 99% confidence level, this number is considered as acceptable to represent the whole population. Accessing social media at work become a ubiquitous activity for most respondents in this survey. However, the notable highlight of this survey is focused on the paradox of respondent actual habit on accessing social media at work, and their perception about social media policy application at work. As mentioned by our respondents, some of their company applies social media access policy at work, but some of them ever consciously cheating. However, one interesting point is that most of them agree that accessing social media at work is decreasing their productivity, so that it is okay for them if their company applies social media policy at work. First of all, we map our respondents’ social media habit by asking about social media account they have. Apparently, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter still become four most popular social media platform. Moreover, one notable point about respondent is that the older segment tends to check their social media account at work more often than the younger one. Averagely, the workers do not check their social media account at work in the long duration. Most respondents in this survey is more likely checking social media at work for 5-10 minutes per time. Smartphone becomes the most frequently used gadget to check social media at work, and most of them are checking at break time or lunch hour. Moreover, 90% of our respondent are befriending with their working buddy in social media. We further ask about whether our respondents’ office has any policy about social media access at work. Among all respondents in this survey, only 44% respondents said that their office have the policy, and 24% of them works in office that prohibit their employee to check their social media account at work. However, although their office strictly applies social media access policy at work, 58% of them ever cheats the policy. To further understand our respondents in this survey who ever broke their office law on social media, we ask them to mention social media platform they access in the office during working hours. Regarding the purpose of accessing social media at work, two most distinct purposes are found. Most of our respondents in this survey access social media at work for the sake of checking out the timeline, as well as to refresh their mind at work. In other hand, although most respondents in this survey ever access social media at work, 90% of them strongly agree that accessing social media at work decrease their working productivity. At last, we ask them about their opinion about social media access policy at work. Interestingly, since most of respondents consider accessing social media at work as decreasing their productivity, 69% of them agree if their company apply the policy. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293