48 Download Report Request A Quote The Habit of Going to the Gym – Jakpat Survey Report Nowadays, people become more aware of their health. They start concerning things such as food that they should eat, having enough rest, as well as doing some exercises. This is in line with the popularity of the gym. This is proven by the value of the gym industry market in Indonesia was estimated to reach 2-3 trillion rupiahs per year¹. Thus, Jakpat conducted a survey to around 2000 respondents nationwide to capture what people think about going to the gym, followed by a deeper description of the habit of people that going to the gym regularly. Here are some previews of the report: ¹ https://www.beritasatu.com/ekonomi/469983/2018-prospek-bisnis-pusat-kebugaran-makin-menjanjikan Download Report Request A Quote