40 This is the Most Popular Mild Illness Medicine in Indonesia At certain times, mild illnesses such as cough, flu and fevers often impact individuals’ productivity. There are many ways to cure the disease, both naturally and by taking medication. Jakpat has conducted a survey to 1,175 respondents about their preferences when dealing with mild illnesses. Regarding what illnesses is the most experienced by respondents, cough and cold is the most suffered, with a percentage of 70%. Followed by headaches (64%) and catch a colds (57%). When viewed from their generation, Millennials are the generation that feels the most coughs, colds, and headaches; while Gen X is seen catching colds most often. Meanwhile, Gen Z is more likely to experience fever when compared to other generations. Aska Primadi, Head of Research of Jakpat discussed the perception of catch a colds (masuk angin) from the views of different generations. “The term masuk angin, although not a medical term, is still popular in Indonesia to describe an uncomfortable condition with several symptoms such as flu, fever, headache, and flatulence. However, when compared between generations, the data shows that the percentage of Gen Z who identify themselves as having masuk angin is much lower than Gen X,” he said. Aska explained, “It is possible that the term “masuk angin” has experienced a shift in meaning for Gen Z compared to the previous generation. So, Gen Z tends to prefer non-medical methods as the first step to recover from cold symptoms. If this method is not effective, they prefer to consult a doctor directly and use prescription medicine instead of over-the-counter or herbal medicine.” About 60% of respondents choose to rest a lot and eat comfort foods during mild illness. In addition, almost half of them choose to take over-the-counter medicine. Jakpat also revealed what medicine are most often used by respondents for each disease. Catch a cold (masuk angin) 3 out of 5 respondents took herbal medicine sachet when they had a cold. When mentioning the brand, 92% of respondents chose Tolak Angin, followed by Antangin with 60% and Bejo Bintang Toedjoe (27%). Headache For headaches, 52% of respondents chose Panadol, followed by Bodrex (45%) and Paramex (34%). Fever Meanwhile, when they had a fever, 68% of respondents treated it with the generic medicine Paracetamol, while 39% of respondents took Panadol, and another 28% took Bodrex. Want to know what are the most popular remedies for flu and cough, fever, diarrhea and gastritis? And what are the factors that affect their decision when buying medicine? Download the “Medication Preferences for Mild Illnesses in Indonesia” report Download Report Request A Quote