42 Last time, Jakpat held a survey about news and society in Indonesia, particularly in order to see Indonesian preferences and habit regarding to news consumption in their everyday lives. On that previous survey report, titled “What’s the News Today? Indonesian’s News Consumption Survey 2016”, we found that there are five most popular online news portals which are frequently accessed by Indonesian: (1) Detik.com as chosen by 76%, (2) Kompas.com as chosen by 57%, (3) Tribun News as chosen by 43%, (4) Liputan 6 as chosen by 39%, and (5) Okezone as chosen by 32%.[1] Based on this result, we would like to explore further how Indonesian’s reception and perception toward those top five online news portals. Therefore, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey involved 338 respondents who currently live in 10 big cities of Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Lombok, Medan, Balikpapan, and Makassar. For the further notes, Jakpat’s respondents in this survey are Indonesian smart-phone users, with a range of age from 16 to 45 year-old. Regarding to this survey, first of all, we found that apparently Detik is topping the chart for frequently accessed online news portals with 66%, while Kompas is the second place with 46%, and Liputan 6 is on the third with 38%. As previous question was set in a multiple answer question, next we asked in a single answer format, but still regarding to what online news portal is frequently accessed by the respondents. Apparently, Detik is in the first place as chosen by 44% of them, while Kompas is behind it by 22%, and Liputan 6 is in the third place with 18%. Subsequently, we found out that there are 75% of our respondents who are an active Twitter user. From those active Twitter users, 61% admit that they follow the Twitter account of Detik, while 43% follow Kompas on Twitter, and 27% follow Liputan 6 on Twitter. Both actuality and factuality are important factors for online news portal in gaining trust from their readers. Not only needs to be fast, but an online news portal also has to be trustworthy in serving news. Regarding to what online news portal that our respondents think the most actual and factual in producing the news, apparently Detik is still topping the list as the most actual (57%) and factual (61%) one. Kompas is sticking closely in the second place as chosen by 44% (actual) and 55% (factual), while Liputan 6 is in the third place with 38% (actual) and 44% (factual). Furthermore, Tribun News is chosen as the fourth most actual (20%) and factual (18%) online news portal, while Okezone is the least actual (13%) and factual (16%) among the five. For an online news portal, the headlines of the news also play the significant role in obtaining attention from the potential readers. Regarding to what online news portal that our respondents think has the most interesting headlines, Detik, Kompas, and Liputan 6 are still the top three as chosen by 59%, 38%, and 35%, respectively. Meanwhile, Tribun News and Okezone are tied as the last place with 21%. Besides the headlines, the website’s appearance is also one of the things that people consider when accessing an online news portal. Regarding to what online news portal that our respondents think has the most comfortable website’s appearance, apparently Detik, Kompas, and Liputan 6 come out as the top three again, as chosen by 51%, 40%, and 33%, respectively. Furthermore, Okezone is in the fourth place with 18%, and Tribun News is in the last place with 13%. When asked about which online news portal of the top five that they think is the most reliable one, more than half of our respondents (55%) choose Detik. Henceforth, Kompas is the second most reliable online news portal as chosen by 48% of them, and Liputan 6 is the third one as chosen by 33% of them. Next, Okezone is chosen as the fourth most reliable online news portal with 19%, and Tribun News is the least reliable one with 13%. Lastly, when asked about which online news portal of the top five that they think is the least satisfying one, many of our respondents (38%) choose Tribun News. Stick closely behind to Tribun News is Okezone as the second least sasfying online news portal as chosen by 30% of them. Next, Liputan 6 is chosen as the third one with 15%, and then there are Detik and Kompas as the second most and the most satisfying online news portal, chosen only by 9% and 8%, respectively. [1] For the full survey report can be accessed in http://dash-api-dash-api-jakpat-02.local/whats-the-news-today-indonesians-news-consumption-survey-2016/ For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293