36 Fake news ahead 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election had been a major concern on several platforms, such as social media, YouTube, and online news in the second week of October 2018. Besides, some topics came up during this week, such as UFC feud-Khabib VS Connor, 2018 Asian Para Games, etc. Research Details: 1,510 respondents of JAKPAT Proportioned by internet population The survey was conducted in a day only Data collecting was conducted on October 13,th 2018 Survey distributed via JAKPAT app Research Objectives: Capturing media habits in the second week of September 2018 (October 8th – 14th 2018) Focus on 5 types of media: local/national TV shows, international TV shows, social media, YouTube, online news Capturing the trending topics/ hot issues in each media. The TrendTrack study tried to covered topics: Media Consumption – W2 October 2018 The Top 5 of W2 October 2018 ( Youtube video, national tv shows, topics recalled on social media, international tv shows,) YOUTUBE: Top video types & categories NATIONAL TV SHOWS: Platform/media to watch, the most watch national tv shows of the week SOCIAL MEDIA: The most accessed social media of the week, top topics recalled on social media INTERNATIONAL TV SHOWS: Platform/media to watch, the most watched program of the week ONLINE NEWS: Platform to access news, Online media platform visited, Top topics recalled You can download some free parts of the report on a link below : Or if you want to purchase the full report you can click below