58 Welcoming 2024 Ramadan: from Shopping to Homecoming Plans Ramadan has arrived. The political year gives its nuances to the preparation for the holy month this time. The five-year agenda may have an impact on people’s current budgets and expenditures. Jakpat conducted a survey to find out plans for 2024 Ramadan. The report, which involved 1668 Muslim respondents, showed expenses for the holy month, preparations for making food for suhoor and iftar, to homecoming plans. As many as 84% of respondents admitted that they would give alms/zakat/infaq in 2024 Ramadan. Other expenses are for iftar gatherings (77%), as well as Ramadan shopping for food (73%) and other necessities (72%). Meanwhile, 2 out of 5 people prepare funds for homecoming. When it comes to Ramadan shopping, 92% of respondents plan to buy clothes. Worship equipment (65%) and footwear such as sandals or shoes (57%) are also in demand. Women are more likely to want to buy fashion accessories (64%) and makeup/skincare (50%), while 1 in 5 men plan to buy gadgets or electronics. By age group, the percentage of Gen Z who plan to buy makeup/skincare (46%) is much higher than the two generations above. While Millennials are more interested in buying home décor (31%). In general, as many as 70% of respondents like to shop Ramadan online. However, some items prefer to be purchased directly (in-store), namely home furniture (88%), home décor (79%), and electronic goods (75%). “Although some basic commodities have increased in recent weeks, it turns out that the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people to welcome Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr has not subsided. This is evidenced by the increase in spending plans in 2024, compared to 2023,” said Research Lead of Jakpat, Farida Hasna. Socializing in Ramadan Most respondents plan to give food as Ramadan hampers, such as cookies (73%), packaged snacks/drinks (63%), to groceries (52%). They intend to give it to the closest people, such as family, friends, and neighbors. Regarding the budget, on average they budget Rp100-250 thousand for one hamper. Another social activity that is also quite popular in Ramadan is the iftar gathering. Seven in 10 people said they were interested in coming to that moment during this year’s holy month, especially for Gen X (73%). They look forward to iftar attended by family (76%), close friends (71%), and school/college friends (47%). Homecoming/vacation plans As many as 76% of respondents who traveled, planned to go home in Ramadan this year. Bandung City, Padang City, and Yogyakarta City are the most homecoming destinations. As many as 47% of respondents who go home will go to their hometowns in the fourth week of Ramadan. Then, the vehicles used for homecoming are mostly dominated by private property, namely cars and motorcycles with a percentage of 32% each. In addition to going home, some respondents plan to vacation during 2024 Ramadan with a percentage of 11%. Not much different from homecoming, the most vacation destinations are Bandung City (16%), Yogyakarta City (14%), and Malang City (10%). Six out of 10 people intend to take a vacation after Eidal-Fitr. “Homecoming is not only synonymous with returning home but also vacation in the destination city. This can be seen from the similarity in the pattern of homecoming destination cities and tourist destination cities during Eid al-Fitr, the majority of which go to the Bandung and Yogyakarta areas,” said Hasna. Download Report Request A Quote