
Drinking Coffee 2017 – JAKPAT Survey Report

Drinking coffee has become a part of lifestyle, moreover with the incoming of international coffee shop chains and the emerging of local coffee shop in every city in Indonesia. Therefore, ever since 2015, JAKPAT has been conducting a survey series regarding to the habit and preference of drinking coffee, as well as the profile of coffee drinker in Indonesia. Here is the full survey report for the Drinking Coffee Survey Series 2017. All 2543 respondents in this survey are people who admit that they like and enjoy drinking coffee, or simply called as coffee lovers. Apparently, top five coffee varietes usually consumed: (1) cappuccinno, (2) black coffee, (3) white coffee, (4) instant coffee, and (5) latte. You can find out more information in our full data reports. Here is a list of the highlighted information:

  • The Frequency
  • The Time
  • The Coffee Variety
  • The Source
  • The Place
  • The Companion
  • The Activity
  • The Coffee Shop
  • Hot & Cold

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