The landscape of movie exhibition in Indonesia has shown a rapid development in the past five years. The movie theater which once dominated by the 21 Cineplex network, now is enlivened by another network such as CGV Cinemas and Cinemaxx Theater. Jakarta is not the only area that can enjoy the diversity. Nowadays, many big cities (and even some small ones) in Indonesia are penetrated by these movie theater networks. Regarding to this matter, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see the movie audience preferences toward movie theater, in frame of the habit of watching movies at movie theater. This survey was conducted to 3003 respondents in 10 areas or big cities in Indonesia, where more than just one movie theater network existed. Apparently, 82% of respondents are still buying tickets directly in the movie theater. You can find out more information in our full data report. Here is a list of the highlighted information:
- Most Recent Time Watching Movie at Movie Theater
- Consideration for Watching Movie at Movie Theater
- The Cinemas
- The Cinemas X Reasons for Choosing
- The Cinemas X Staff Service
- The Cinemas X Facility Hygiene
- The Cinemas X Snacks and Drinks
- The Cinemas X Supporting Facilities
- The Habit
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