40 Currently, consumers use mobile devices almost in every aspect of their life, hence, mobile devices have been something that consumers keep within arm’s reach at all times. Marketers have been acknowledging this phenomenon, and mobile marketing has emerged as one of the effective channels to communicate and engage with their consumers. This report consists of 2 topics, which are consumers’ general mobile habits and consumers’ mobile habits related to entertainment. The goal of this report is to track and understand how consumers use mobile devices in their everyday life. Furthermore, this report intends to give marketers a better understanding of how consumers currently use mobile devices to fulfill their needs for entertainment. Research Details: 2,172 respondents of JAKPAT Proportioned by JAKPAT internet population Survey is conducted in 1 day Data collecting was done on July 22nd, 2018 The survey distributed via JAKPAT app Research Objectives: Capturing mobile habits in first semester year 2018 Focus on 2 topics; general mobile habits, and getting insight into activities related to entertainment done through mobile devices You can download our survey report on a link below :