
Public Response Toward 2023 Recession – Jakpat x Continuum Data Report 2023

Public Response Toward 2023 Recession – Jakpat x Continuum Data Report 2023

Welcoming 2023 might not be as exciting as years before. We usually welcome new year with joy and excitement, but this year worries and anxiety might follow, due to 2023 recession issue. Public have varied response toward this issue, some might feel worried while the others don’t, some might had started to be financially prepared and some others will just live as usual. However, it became a major topic to talk about both offline and online in the end of 2022.

Thus, Jakpat is now collaborating with Continuum Data Indonesia to capture public response toward this 2023 global recession issue and how will they deal with it. We combined two research method, online survey to 1434 Jakpat respondents and big data analysis sourced from social media, Twitter. This report is available in Bahasa Indonesia.

Jakpat with Continuum Data and INDEF will also held a webinar to further discuss this report and will also talk about financial planning strategies amid economic uncertainty.

Register now on the link below!

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