142 Download Report Request A Quote Daily Commuting in Indonesia: Private VS Public Transport The government has made various important efforts to advance transportation and connectivity in Indonesia[1]. One of them is developing mass transportation infrastructure to reduce congestion, improve air quality, and facilitate public mobility. On the other hand, the government has provided subsidy assistance for the purchase of battery-based motor vehicles since last year[2]. Jakpat conducted a survey about daily commuting habits. It focused on the types of transport, both private and public. Key research points: The behavior of private transport users The behavior of public transport users The intention to purchase private transport Here are some previews of the report: 28% of respondents in Greater Jakarta use online motorcycle taxis. More than 40% of respondents spend 15-30 minutes on a single journey. Table of contents. Download Report Request A Quote [1] https://news.detik.com/berita/d-7528585/maruf-bicara-pentingnya-majukan-transportasi-umum-demi-kurangi-macet-polusi [2] https://www.menpan.go.id/site/berita-terkini/berita-daerah/subsidi-kendaraan-listrik-berbasis-baterai-dimulai-20-maret-2023