44 The growth of men skin care market shows a constant growth each year. Today’s men are already aware about the importance of healthy skin and the urgency on taking care of his skin. Earlier this time, we have conducted a survey toward Indonesian men about their personal care habit. We found that 90% of men care about their appearance and 61% of them routinely pamper themselves. Following up this study, we once again conducted a survey toward 115 men in Java, Indonesia. Java was chosen as the geographical location due to the high level of economic growth, spending amounts, and great buying power among their men citizens. Random sampling was chosen as the sampling method with the level of confidence as 95%. When we walked into the corner of toiletries, it will be very easy to find a spot of men skin care products. From head to toe, we can find any product from any brand that especially subjected to men. According to this phenomenon, we asked them about their acceptance and usage of men personal care products. We found that in general men tend have a positive acceptance. Moreover, related to the usage experience, 83% of them already use the personal care products that specifically made for men. The high potential of this market segment encourages us to ask about their motives of using men personal care products. Two main reasons revealed, and both were closely related to the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of products. Most respondent said that since the products were designated for men then the product quality were more suitable for their skin. In other hand, fewer respondents answered the extrinsic aspect of product. They said that their reason of using men skin care products were related to the masculine image they felt. In marketing studies, we know about two concepts of decision maker and consumer. Sometimes, the decision maker is not the consumer, and vice versa. Regarding to this idea, we asked about the decision maker of their purchasing behaviour. Most respondent said that they were both the decision maker and consumer. The choices of products were decided by themselves. Besides that, their closest ones also play a vital role in the decision making process. Their wife or girlfriend, parents, and friend recommendation becomes the most significant people in their decision making process. As there are various brand offer products with relatively similar benefit, we would like to understand about men’s loyalty toward certain brand. When it comes to men skin care products, most of them were loyalist, while only 30% of them were the switcher. Although 30% are relatively a small number of percentage, but we would like to capture their insights since they are the future potential market segment. We asked about their motives of switching to other personal care brands. At first, the 16-19 years old switch to other brands because they attracted with the interesting promotions from other brands. Furthermore, the older segment tends to have more motives. Besides being attracted with competitors’ promotional program, several motives were also mentioned. They tend to switch to other brands due to their effort on seeking for better quality products. Some of them also love to try new brands. At last, for those who tend to be in the middle of loyalist yet switcher one, they will switch to other brand if their favourite one is not available. Due to the rough competition among men personal care products, we would like to rank their favourite brands based on the kind of product class. At first, we asked them to mention their favourite brand of face wash. Five brands were mostly mentioned by our respondent. At the top position was Men’s Biore, followed by Garnier Men, Nivea Men, Ponds Men, and L’Oreal Men. Some family may provide only single body wash for the entire member of family, while some others may not. This insight was captured by men skin care industry players by providing men body wash, with specific benefit for their skin. We asked our respondent to mention their favourite brands of body wash. At this point, Lifebuoy became the most mentioned brand by them. Men’s Biore sat on the following position, as well as Dettol Men, Gatsby, and Adidas for Men. Just like the body wash class product, there are also specific shampoo offered to men. Three brands were mentioned and dominated by Clear Men. At the following position were Head&Shoulders, also Zinc Men. Interestingly, there were also others brands mentioned and most of them were family shampoo which was not specifically subjected to men. At this point, we could summarize that when it comes to shampoo, men will be less care on choosing products that were specifically subjected to them. We know that there are a huge sense of scent between men and women. Women’s fragrances tend to be more sweet, floral, soft, and feminine than men. Therefore, unlike their preferences toward shampoo, men tend to be more selective in choosing deodorant and perfume. At the top position, they mentioned Rexona Men as their most favourite deodorant. At the second position, Axe, the brand that well-known for their masculine image was selected as the second most favourite. Following them were Nivea Men, Casablanca, Bellagio, and Adidas. Men consciousness toward healthy skin was also expressed by their usage of body lotions. Although it is only 41% of them who regularly use body lotions, it is strongly believed that this market segment will significantly grow in the future. Among those who use body lotions, Vaseline Men were mentioned as their most favourite brand, followed by Nivea for Men. Other brands were also mentioned by fewer respondents and their answers were women body lotions products. Therefore, we strongly believe that this market segment will be increasing anytime soon. The recent trend of today’s men product is hair gel. Actually, this product is relatively not new, but it seems to gain popularity among today’s men. 70% of men said that they use hair gel. Five brands were mentioned as their favourite one. Gatsby, a brand known for its hair gel product variance dominated this competition with 89%. The other 11% were shared by Johnny Andrean, Rudy Hadisuwarno, Clear, and Tancho. At last, we asked about men favourite brand of shaver. Although the beard may make men looks quite masculine, but at some point they will always need a shaver. Gillette dominated the competition with 94% share and left the other 6% to Schick and Bic. The legendary brand of Gillette and its ability to dominate men’s’ space of mind become the most powerful asset for them in winning the market. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293