
Chitato Indomie Goreng – Survey Report

Our recent days were surprised by the emergence of a new snack, Chitato Indomie Goreng. Chitato and Indomie are two famous food brands in Indonesia. Chitato is favourite snack among Indonesian and Indomie is the loveliest brand of instant noodle in Indonesia. Both are produced by Indofood and gaining popularity since long time ago. However, Indofood has just made an innovation by combining both brands into one single product, Chitato Indomie Goreng. Since both brands are already gaining popularity among Indonesian, Chitato Indomie Goreng instantly able to atrract public attention. Before the release date of the product, Chitato Indomie Goreng has been successfully creates the promotional buzz in social media. As this product is becoming the most discussed snack among Indonesian, we asked our 336 respondents in nationwide about Chitato Indomie Goreng.

As Chitato and Indomie are already popular among Indonesian, this product is able to capture public attention easily. Although this product is relatively new, but 72% Indonesian already knows about its existence. Moreover, 91% of Indonesian are even able to correctly mention the brand name very well.


Most snacking products are getting popular since they spend much fortune on advertising in television and other mass media. As social media has been very popular among Indonesian, brands are trying to use the medium as their marketing platform. As we look back, there were numbers of brand that tried using the same method and getting instantly popular among Indonesian netizen. Up to this point, Chitato Indomie Goreng was using exactly the same method. By using digital media as their main marketing platform, Chitato Indomie Goreng instantly get public attention. This argument is well represented by 51% respondents who said that they receive information about the product from social media. Besides social media, respondents also mentioned that they receive information about Chitato Indomie Goreng as they saw it in supermarket, reading online news portal, and from any article in internet forum.


Chitato Indomie Goreng is a very new product and it may not be available at the stores on the same time. We asked our respondents regarding their buying experience of Chitato Indomie Goreng, and only 4 out of 10 respondents ever tried the product. However, although the number is remaining low, but most of them said that they like the product as it tastes good.


Another challenge faced by any snacking products from any brand is the MSG issue. Any snack and instant food products are not considered as very healthy since it contains MSG, though the dose of it must be at the allowed level. However, as this product is a combination between two famous brands that once also already well-known as containing MSG, we asked our respondents about their perception on MSG. Interestingly, men and women are differently perceive the dose of MSG contained in Chitato Indomie Goreng. Men consider that Chitato Indomie Goreng is having just the same dose as other Chitato flavours. However, women tend to be more careful as they consider that it is having twice more dose of MSG than other flavours.


At last, we asked the motives of our respondents regarding their buying decision. Interestingly, for those who decide to buy the product, their main motive was not the product attribute itself. 65% of respondents who decide to buy the product said that their motive was curiosity. Moreover, the 20% respondents said that they buy it because they already love Chitato, and the last 15% said that they buy it because they previously already like Indomie. We then expand our understanding by asking the motives of respondents who does not buy the product. Apparently, the issue of MSG dose contained in the product significantly affect the purchasing motivation of 43% respondents. At the following position, 31% respondents said that they do not have any interest about the product so that they do not buy it. Finally, the least respondents said that they do not interested about the product and it is hard to find in any nearby stores.


For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer.

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