39 Millennials generation is famous as a large and diverse market with significant spending power and they are dining out more frequently. However, that is the view towards the generation in general. How about the millennials in Indonesia? Therefore, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see the habit of Indonesian millennials when visiting a restaurant. This survey involved 1623 respondents from across Indonesia, with a relatively balanced male-female composition and various economic backgrounds. For the further notes, Jakpat’s respondents in this survey are Indonesian smart-phone users, with a range of age from 18 to 36 year-old, as we use the birth years ranging from the early 1980s for millennials generation in this survey. First of all, we found out that there are 64% of our respondents who often go to a restaurant less than once in a month, while there are 30% of them who go there about 1 to 5 times in a month. Apparently, men are more likely than women to visit a restaurant less than once in a month (56% VS 44%). On the other hand, women are more likely than men to visit a restaurant for about 1 to 5 times in a month (60% VS 40%). Regarding to whether they have companion whenever they visit a restaurant, more than half of our respondents often visit a restaurant with their friends (58%) or their family (55%). Meanwhile, less than half of them usually go to a restaurant with their partner or lover (43%). In addition to that, men are more likely than women to visit a restaurant alone (59% VS 41%). In general, millennials are seen as a big-spender generation. In Indonesia, is the same view applied? Apparently, 48% of our respondents spend about IDR 50,000 to IDR 100,000 every time they visit a restaurant, while 32% of them spend more than IDR 100,000, and 19% of them spend less than IDR 50,000. Men are more likely than women to spend less than IDR 50,000 (58% VS 42%), while on the other hand, women are more likely than men to spend more than IDR 100,000 (52% VS 48%). This indicates that women are bigger-spender than men when it comes to restaurant habit. Furthermore, what do they have when visit a restaurant? 66% of our respondents are having their dinner, while 45% of them are having lunch. Millennials are known for being raised with cell phones and the internet. Besides, they are technologically savvy as well. In Indonesia, apparently only 37% of our respondents look for a review from the internet before choosing a restaurant to visit. Most of them (65%) got the review from Instagram, while 44% of them got it from Facebook. While this attachment to technology has shortened milliennials’ attention spans, it has not made them cold and distant. Conversely, it has bred an intense desire for connectedness among them. Millennials greatly value friends’ opinions when making decisions. It’s proven by 69% of our respondents who admit that they search for a recommendation from a friend before choosing a restaurant to visit. Regarding to the habit of choosing a restaurant, half of our respondents (50%) admit that the price is the thing they most consider about when choosing a restaurant, while 35% of them consider the food, and 15% consider the place. Henceforth, women are more likely than men to consider the food the most when choosing a restaurant to visit (55% VS 45%), while on the other hand, men are more likely than women to consider the place (61% VS 39%). Furthermore, “affordable price” is the main reason why they choose a certain restaurant to visit (75%). Checking-in on a social media and taking photos of food or self-camera portraits are now very hype among the millenials. In Indonesia, 34% of our respondents admit that they check-in on a social media when they visit a restaurant. Meanwhile, 36% of them often take a photo of their food and/or drink, with 77% of them upload the photo onto their Instagram (67%), Facebook (59%), and Path (37%). In addition to that, 50% of them upload the photo before eating the food, while 39% of them upload it after eating, and 11% when they eat, simultaneously. Still in regards on millennials’ restaurant habit and the internet, there are 32% of our respondents admit that they make a review of a restaurant they’ve visited. Henceforth, they write the review on Facebook (56%), Instagram (45%), and Path (21%). Regarding to the other habit which is not related to the internet, there are 70% of our respondents will order something different every time they visit a same restaurant. In addition to that, there are only 9% of them who admit that they will splurge on a nice meal even when money is tight. Lastly, we found out that there are 31% of our respondents who visit a restaurant not just for eating only, but they also meet some friends or acquaintances (83%). Moreover, 48% of them visit a restaurant for spending their leisure time. There are also some of them who visit a restaurant to take some cute photographs (24%), watch some shows (23%), and have a party (18%). For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293