35 Instagram is one of the social media that fast to develop their feature. In this survey, we would like to see the respons of Instagram users about new feature on Instagram. Instagram have 3 new feature, they are Instagram story, live video, and multiple upload. Instagram story is a new feature designed to make it easy for users to share photos and videos that remain visible for a 24-hour period, don’t appear on actual profile and the reactions and conversations they initiate stay private. Instagram story have similar feature and usage with Snapchat which this is the first app that popularized stories as a concept. But from our survey result we find that Instagram story more preferable than Snapchat. So is the case with another new feature of Instagram, it is Live video. This feature have similar feature and usage with periscopes apps, but from our survey result we find that Live video instagram more preferable than periscopes. How about multiple upload? Based on our survey result, Multiple upload feature as a new feature is not really enjoyed like instagram story and live video instagram. You can find out more detail about this information from our survey. Below we make a list of the highlighted information: • General findings • Frequently to share photos or videos in Instagram new feature • Momentum to share photos in videos in Instagram new feature • Reason of choosing Instagram • Tendency to access different apps with similar feature • Instagram features most enjoy to enjoy less Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293