
Suhoor (Sahur) Habit for Married Respondent – JAKPAT Survey Report

Suhoor (sahur) becomes an iconic moment during Ramadan since Moslem are requested to wake up in the midnight to enjoy their meals before fasting all day long. However, we assume that different marriage status of our respondent may have an implication toward their suhoor habit. In order to prove our assumption, we conduct a survey toward our 1.543 married Moslem respondents in nationwide to understand their activities during suhoor time. According to our result, we find most married respondents are more likely enjoying their suhoor meals at home and rarely join any outside suhoor activities such as suhoor on the road or in the mosque. Moreover, compared to the single respondents; the married respondents in this survey seems to have a different media preference they access while enjoying their suhoor meals. The single respondents are more likely accessing social media, while the married are more likely watching television. Furthermore, by clicking on the download button below; you can access our full report of this survey which contains several data including:

  • Respondents method of having suhoor food
  • Preferred time to eat suhoor food
  • Preferred time to cook and buy suhoor food
  • Information source of suhoor schedule
  • Media preference in suhoor time
  • Social media and instant messenger access during suhoor

Suhoor (Sahur) Habit for Married Respondents_revisi-page-008 Suhoor (Sahur) Habit for Married Respondents_revisi-page-006 Suhoor (Sahur) Habit for Married Respondents (1)

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