
Your Investment Plan – Survey Report

Some people say that continuous saving will make us rich. However, some other say that making investment will make us way richer. By making investment, we are not just buying asset or item, but we hope that it will generate income in the future. investment product is the goods that we are not consumed today, but it will create future wealth. We conduct a survey toward 2.946 respondents in nationwide about their investment plan. Recently, our panel already own investment product such as saving, gold, property, and insurance. However, we find that financial issue still become the most fundamental obstacle for investment. Most respondents in this survey who do not yet own investment product mention their limited budget to invest becomes the ultimate barrier. Moreover, we also find that respondent invest for three top purposes such as saving, education, and health. At last, making investment also could be seen as their effort to ensure future financial security. Furthermore, in order to gain further insight about our panel investment condition, please kindly click the link below to download our free survey report. This report will provide you several issues such as:

  • Currently owned investment product
  • Respondent motivation and purpose of making investment
  • Respondent first investment experience
  • Information source about investment
  • Frequency of buying investment product
  • Budget allocation for making investment
  • Factor that affect respondent investment consideration

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