32 Before the low-cost carrier, it was not easy to fly at any time. The players within this industry were limited and they offer quite expensive airfare ticket even for domestic route, so that not everyone can afford it, not everyone can fly. However, everything changes after the coming of low-cost carriers in Indonesia. Numbers of low-cost airlines have been trying their luck on winning Indonesian market. With various flight schedule and relatively lower price, low-cost airlines are able to penetrate Indonesian market. Today, flying is no longer as difficult as before. As one of the biggest low-cost carrier airlines in South-east Asia, Air Asia makes flying become even more possible for both domestic and international route. By offering international airfare ticket promotion, Air Asia makes everyone can fly. Air Asia is not only famous for their affordable price of airplane ticket, but also well-known for their relatively cheap price of international route. They often offer international route ticket promotions that will be sold just in minutes. We then asked our panel of respondent about their perceptions of Air Asia international route airfare ticket promotion. 204 respondents from nationwide were involved in this survey. The confidence level of this survey was 95% with only 5% level of sampling error. First of all, we would like to discover respondents’ awareness of Air Asia international route airfare promotion program. Since the program was quite famous and has been associated as Air Asia’s regular program, we tried to understand how many respondents who know about this program. As predicted, most respondents notice about the program. 80% of them said that they notice about the promotion program, while only 20% of them know nothing. We then asked about their sources of information regarding this ticket promotion program. Four sources were mentioned by respondents. In the first position, TV Commercials (TVC/TV Ads) was mentioned as the number one source of information about Air Asia promotion program. Besides that, Air Asia Website, Air Asia advertisement in other websites, and friends also become their sources of information. As most respondents know about the promotion program, we then continue to their intention to buy airfare ticket during the promotion program. Most respondents said that they were interested to buy, while only 26% of them said they did not interested. We treated respondents who said have the intention and do not have separately. For those who said that they were interested to buy the promotion ticket, we asked the reason of their buying intentions. Three main reasons were revealed. At first, they were interested to buy due to the cheap price offered by Air Asia. At second, they considered that the country of destinations as interesting so that they wanted to visit. At last, the period of flying was just in time with holiday period. However, there were different findings we found on the answer between men and women regarding the reason of their promotional Air Asia ticket buying intentions. Women were more attracted to the country destinations, while men were more attracted to the holiday time. Since Air Asia flying period is not available at any times, we asked our respondents about how they manage their time for the flying period. We discovered two different kinds of answers between respondents from two segment of age. The first segment was 16-19 years old who said that the flying period was always in time with the school holiday. Therefore, they should not have to take some day-off only for flying. In other hand, the 20-35 years old said the otherwise by taking special day-off during Air Asia flying periods. We further tried to understand about their companion of flying to understand the average number of passengers for each time they fly. Most respondents did not travel alone. Only 12% of them said that they often fly alone, while the others were with companion. Family, lover, and friends were chosen as the companionship they have for travelling. Since most of respondents said that they often travel with companion, we then asked about how they manage their time of travelling with their flying partner. Interestingly, there were two different patterns between men and women regarding their schedule management. Men tend to manage the time of travelling according to their own schedule. In other hand, women tend to manage the time of travelling according to her kids’ school holiday or their husband/boyfriend’s day-off schedule. To expand our understanding about Air Asia promotional airfare ticket, we tried to examine the idea behind people who once said they did not interested to join the program. The first reason was respondents consider that the offered price was still expensive. The second reason was they did not interest with the destinations offered by Air Asia. In lower percentages, they said that the flying periods did not match their schedule and they doubt of airplane safety. At last, there was least number of respondents who said that they did not want to buy because they knew that the ticket was already sold. As we discovered the idea of their disinterested, we emphasized different answers between men and women. Men tend to uninterested of buying the ticket promotions due to the mismatch schedule between the flying period and their activities. However, women said different answers by being more doubtful about the standard of air plane safety. We asked them further about the ideal price of Air Asia international route airfare ticket promotions. We found different perceptions among respondents in various age categories. The 16-19 years old considered the price below IDR 50.000 as the ideal one. In other hand, the 20-25 years old would like to spend more by considering the ideal price as between IDR 350.000 to 450.000. However, the older category, the 26-29 years old were more likely to spend less by considering the ideal price as IDR 150.000 – 250.000. At last, the oldest segment, the 30-35 years old answered quite wide range of price from IDR 50.000 – 350.000. We asked respondents to mention their preferred country of destinations based on their chosen ideal price. Singapore and Japan seems to be two most favourite countries among respondents. However, men also added Thailand as their favourite, while women were added Korea as their favourite. Besides the ideal price of promotional ticket and favourite country destinations, we also asked our respondents about their ideas of the best flying periods. Men were more likely to fly on the end year, while women on the mid-year. Moreover, we also found different choices among respondents in each age segment. The 16-19 years old preferred flying on the New Year, the 20-25 years old on mid-year, while the 26-35 years old on the end of year. At the very last, we asked about respondents’ actual behaviour on purchasing the promotional tickets. Although there were huge interests on buying the ticket, most respondents did not have the actual experience of buying Air Asia international route airfare ticket promotion yet. Moreover, the 26-35 years old were the biggest segment of customers who purchased the promotional tickets of Air Asia. If only the niche market could be well-maintained by Air Asia, then they can optimize the profits from this segment. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293