41 The trend of accommodation network orchestrator start-up business seems to be rising in the recent years. The need of staying in a comfortable yet reasonable price accommodation is believed as the key of the business. Hence, the rising trend of travelling habit among people, especially millennials makes the accommodation network orchestrator play a significant role in the business ecosystem. Among all orchestrator platforms, Airbnb seems to be one of the most promising orchestrator in global scale. We conduct a survey toward 229 respondents in nationwide to understand their experience and perception about Airbnb service. All 229 respondents in this survey are those who ever heard about Airbnb. As we previously explain about the travelling trend among millennials, in this survey most respondents who ever heard about Airbnb is dominated by those in 20-29 year old segment. Notable note about this survey is shown in the willingness of most respondents who ever use Airbnb service to reuse it in the future. Moreover, the variation of housing type and affordable price become two most important motives of respondents’ decision on using Airbnb service. First of all, we would like to filter our panel due to their actual experience of using Airbnb service. Among all respondents in this survey, only few of them ever really try Airbnb. Most respondents in this survey tend to use smartphone to access Airbnb. However, apparently the Airbnb website seems to be more attractive for them compared to the Airbnb apps. It is shown that most respondents tend to use Airbnb from the website in smartphone much more than checking the apps. In order to do market segmentation, the millennials seems to be the most potential segment. As most of them already have the awareness and even experience of trying Airbnb service, the 20-29 year old respondent in this survey could be the primary target of Airbnb. We further focus our survey to respondent who ever try Airbnb service in the last time. We ask them to mention their experience of using Airbnb service and most of them try it in more than 3 months ago. We also ask our respondent about their destination when they use Airbnb service in the last time. Apparently, most respondents in this survey stay in domestic area on their last stay using Airbnb. The length of staying also becomes a part of our investigation toward respondent in this survey. Most respondents in this survey who ever use Airbnb service only stay for 1-3 nights on their last trip. The various type of housing in Airbnb becomes a unique selling point for this start-up. Among all housing types available, the homestay/guesthouse/inn/cottage becomes the most favorite one. As Airbnb offer different type of housing, it also offers different kind of room. The Airbnb guest can rent a private room, room sharing for cheaper price, or even rent the whole place. However, most respondents in this survey tend to choose private room on their last stay using Airbnb. Regarding their companion of staying in Airbnb house, most respondents in this survey seems to stay with company. Most respondents in this survey say that they stay with their partner and/or friend on their latest stay. Understanding respondents’ motivation of using Airbnb also plays an essential role in understanding the accommodation network orchestrator business ecosystem. One point of difference between Airbnb and other orchestrator is that it offers various type of housing. Thus, customer will have a richer option for their stay. The basic aim of a business is maximizing its profit by stimulating their customer to repurchase. Maybe when it comes to this kind of business, Airbnb ought to be less worry as most respondents in this survey plan to use Airbnb service again for their upcoming trip. At last, we further explore the insight of respondent segment that never use Airbnb service, but already have any awareness about it. Most respondents in this survey say that they never use Airbnb service since they never travel. Up to this point, we can conclude that the problem of their zero experience of staying in Airbnb is not because of their dissatisfaction of Airbnb. Although some respondents in this survey never use Airbnb service, but they keep on checking Airbnb website and/or apps. Surprisingly, the basic reason of this behavior is positively affecting with their intention of using Airbnb in the future. This behavior is definitely a positive indication for the business as they already have a potential future customer. As Airbnb is welcoming anyone to become Airbnb host, we ask them whether they ever want to be one. However, only 51% of our respondents plan to become Airbnb host and most of them are men. At last, we examine the potential of the future customer by asking whether our respondent ever recommend Airbnb to their peers. Among all respondents in this survey, 45% of them are doing so which becomes a positive indication for business For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293