
Being Around Fasting People – JAKPAT Survey Report

In this month of Muslims’ Ramadhan, all Indonesian muslims carry on to have a fasting as a form of worship. However, though muslims are the majority of people who live in Indonesia, there are also people with other religions who live here. Regarding to that matter, recently JAKPAT has conducted series of survey in order to see how people with other religions (Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Buddha, and Konghuchu) adjust with the fasting custom of the muslims. This survey was conducted to 961 respondents of JAKPAT who don’t fasting but live among fasting people. Apparently, we found that many of non-muslims respondents did ask for permission first before they were eating/drinking in front of fasting people. You can find out more information in our full data reports. Here is a list of the highlighted information:

  • Having Fasting People Around: General Findings
  • Experience in Having Fasting People Around
  • Preference when Having Fasting People Around
  • How the Fasting Customs Affect the Daily Habit

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For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below.

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