42 There is a saying that “it takes a village to raise a child.” What it means is that for a child to thrive and grow, it takes work and effort from the whole community. This saying, however, does not end at childhood. Even upon growing up, people still depend on the community and others to prosper. People recognize that their success, aside from their individual hard work, comes from the good wishes and prayers from others as well. As a result, people consistently learn of the value of gratitude and appreciation. With such sentiments, people want to give back and help others. One common way to help others is by donating to charity. Generally, charities have tobogan hinchable different foci and aims, and donors will choose which cause they would like to support. Making money is hard, and giving money away is easy, but donating to charity does take some thought. In this survey, JakPat wants to take a look at people’s Inflatable charitable giving practices. The results discussed here come from a survey taken by 523 respondents, of which 50.7% are female. To start off, about half of the respondents give money quite frequently, ranging from every day to several times a month. From this survey, the greatest percentage responded that they give money to charity or causes several times a month (29.25%). It is important to note, though, that not everyone is so giving. More than a fifth rarely give (21.41%), and almost just as much (17.4%) give only several times a year. People donate for many different reasons; the predominant reason is because they “want to help people in need” (80.88%). More than 4 in 5 state that as their biggest reason. More than 2 in 3 say that religion is a motivating factor, that “giving to charity is part of my religious obligations and beliefs” (66.35%). And when people do give, it is generally selfless and genuine, meaning that they do not give with the expectation of receiving something in return. These small gifts could include a keychain or sticker. Most people (71.89%) do not view materialistic gain as a reason to give. In evaluating who or where to donate money to, potential donors consider several factors. The most important one is the cause and/or mission of the charity/organization (63.67%). People also want to know that their money will be used effectively (54.88%) so successful charities are able to demonstrate that. Another big factor is the urgency; the more urgent the need, the more likely a donor is to donate to the charity (50.67%). As seen from the infographic above and as mentioned earlier, the cause of the charity is quite important to people. In this survey, respondents identified the charities and causes that they support. People support organizations that work in the fields of education, health, religion and environment. With a gender breakdown, the order of support varies slightly. Females tend to place greater support for education and health causes than men. Men will prioritize health and religion causes before education and environment. There are different ways of donating to charity, and below are the top 4 ways. The most preferable way is to give money directly to solicitors who are collecting donations (59.08%). Nearly half give money at the charity’s fundraiser or event (46.85%), and 2 out of 5 directly give money to the charity (41.87%). Giving money sounds easy to do, but for some people, it is not easy because of their financial situations. Another way of helping a charity out is by soliciting donations on behalf of the organization. More than half of respondents (56.98%) have personally engaged in this activity. This is another way of spreading the word about the good cause of an organization! For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293