
Consumer Views on Influencers’ Endorsement

Consumer Views on Influencers’ Endorsement – Jakpat Collaboration Report

The increase in shopping enthusiasm during Ramadan 2024 is utilized by businesses to intensify promotions, one of which is by using influencer services. Meanwhile, influencers who have businesses are also becoming more diligent in promoting their businesses.

Jakpat and Jangkara conducted collaborative research to see the effect of promotion of products/services carried out by influencers, as well as how the public responded to this. The survey was conducted in March 2024 involving 1.180 Jakpat respondents and Instagram monitoring of 50 Indonesia famous influencers.

Key research points:

  • Top 50 Indonesia Instagram influencer
  • Impact of influencers
  • Products promoted by influencers

Here are some previews of the report:




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